
  1. 金杜律师事务所管理合伙人王玲(WangLing)拒绝对此置评。

    Wang Ling , managing partner of King & Wood , declined to comment .

  2. ChinaFertilizerMarketWeek的王玲(WangLing,音译)表示,由于经济危机,农民减少了钾肥使用量,而危机前的需求曾达到每年1100万吨。

    Farmers have cut their use of potash due to the economic crisis , according to Wang Ling of China Fertilizer Market Week , but pre-crisis demand stood at about 11m tonnes annually .

  3. 王玲经常是第一个到校的人。

    Wang Ling is always the first to come to school .

  4. 大家都听好了,王玲就是那只熊猫快要生了!

    Listen , everybody , Ling Wong the panda is giving birth !

  5. 有王玲打来的电话。

    There is a call from Wang ling .

  6. 王玲在画画。

    Wang Ling is painting .

  7. 王玲刚刚在北京举行的21世纪全国英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。

    Wang Ling has just received the First prize in the21st Century National English Speech Contest held in Beijing .