
  1. (下周三是我朋友王翔的生日。我会给他买个礼物。)

    It 's my friend Wang Xiang 's birthday next Wednesday . I 'll buy him a gift .

  2. 我们开始看到一些真正的变化,奥睿律师事务所(Orrick)合伙人王翔说。

    We are starting to see some real changes , said Xiang Wang , a partner at Orrick , the law firm .

  3. 奥睿律师事务所(OrrickHerrington&Sutcliffe)驻北京合伙人王翔表示,在自主研发技术的过程中,中国企业在管理知识产权上已经变得自信与老练许多。

    In developing their own technology , Chinese companies have become far more assertive and sophisticated in managing IP rights , said Wang Xiang , a partner at the law firm Orrick , Herrington & Sutcliffe in Beijing .

  4. 王翔虽年过半百,但其充沛的精力和敏捷的思维,给人以一个挑战者的印象。

    Although already over fifty , Xiang Wang is full of energy and quick-witted , and gives others the impression of an aggressive person .

  5. 王翔投资国家基础设施建设,利国利民利己。

    Xiang Wang invests in the construction of national infrastructure , which is beneficial to the country , to the people and to himself .

  6. 有人预言,随着九江的进一步开放开发,王翔将从政府划给他的土地中获得可观的利润。

    Up and development of jiujiang , Xiang Wang will be able to earn considerable profits from the land allocated to him by the government .

  7. 小米高级副总裁王翔表示,小米对于与微软合作感到“激动”,该协议证明,小米“希望与全球科技领军企业建立可持续的长期合作”。

    Xiang Wang , senior vice-president , said Xiaomi was " excited " to be working with Microsoft and the deal demonstrated the Chinese company was " looking to build sustainable , long-term partnerships with global technology leaders . "

  8. 当地政府为鼓励投资者,已将王翔投资建设的九江火车站站场和填平后的龙开河部分地带交给王翔治理开发。

    The local government , in order to encourage investors , has handed the Jiujiang railway station yard , and part of the re-landscaped Longkai River region that Xiang Wang invested in the construction of , over to Xiang Wang to administer and development .

  9. 王翔表示,购买语音通讯、多媒体和云计算等微软专利,再加上该公司去年申请的约3700项专利,是“支持小米开展国际性扩张的重要一步”。

    Wang Xiang said the acquisition of Microsoft patents , which included voice communications , multimedia and cloud computing , on top of some 3700 patents the company filed last year , was " an important step forwards to support our expansion internationally . "