
  1. 王茜表示,2008年英国留学生毕业工作(简称:PSW)签证有效期从1年延长至2年。

    According to Wang , in 2008 the UK extended the validation time for the Post Study Worker ( PSW ) visa from one year to two years .

  2. 和大多数的明星在入道伊始时一样,王茜对出道后的未来感到迷惘。

    As most of stars experienced in their early career , Wang Qian felt confused about her future after graduation .

  3. 他们之所以热切想在国外碰碰运气,多半源于英国签证新政的出台。澳际教育咨询有限公司的王茜(音译)说。

    Their enthusiasm to try their luck in a foreign country is partly due to changes in visa policies , said Wang Qian from Aoji Enrollment Center of International Education Ltd.

  4. 王茜在高中时期主修理科并希望按照妈妈的心愿,像她家大多数人所做的工作一样,在大学毕业后成为一名医生。

    Wang Qian studied science in her high school following her mother 's mind and wanted to be a doctor as what most of her families did at that time .