
  1. 山杨根蘖苗稳定期指标是苗高2m,胸径1cm以上。

    The index of root shoots seedlings in stationary phase is height 2 m , chest diameter 1 cm .

  2. 毛白杨根萌芽建立无菌组培体系的研究杉木萌芽更新

    Establishment of Asepsis Tissue Culture System from Suckers of Populus tomentosa Carr . Review on the Study of Chinese Fir Sprout Regeneration

  3. 用扩散型指数法和回归模型分析法研究其空间格局,山杨根腐病的空间格局是一个相对静态的均匀分布空间格局,随着时间的变化空间格局也将发生变化。

    The space distribution was studied with the method of diffusion and regression analysis , it 's a uniform distribution of relative statics , the space distribution will change with the time changing .

  4. 通过模型的建立、抽样技术的研究表明,山杨根腐病是一种根病,以感病株数为病害的数量指标。

    Root rot of moutain poplar was studied with establishing model and sampling technique . The results showed that , root rot is a kind of root disease , the quantitative index is disease plant numbers .