
  • 网络werther;victor;WITT;Vitus
  1. 他的最著名作品有《浮士德》,《少年维特之烦恼》等。

    His famous works include Faust and The Sorrows of Young Werther etc.

  2. 《少年维特的烦恼》所构建的和谐对应的时空关系

    On the Harmonious Corresponding of Space-time Constructed in The Sorrows of Young Werther

  3. 加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近,两头大西洋海象在浮冰上相互偎依

    Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik , Nunavut , Canada .

  4. PLC可编程序控制系统,加拿大维特4.6英寸触摸屏。

    Equipped with PLC and4.6 inch touch screen control system .

  5. 瑞士联邦司法办公室(FederalOfficeofJustice)表示,阿维特和纳波特正就自己被引渡到美国的可能提出抗辩。

    Switzerland 's Federal Office of Justice said Mr. Hawit and Mr. Napout were contesting their possible extradition to the United States .

  6. 本周一,即11月24日早上7点,联合技术公司(UnitedTechnologies)宣布,57岁的CEO路易斯o切尼维特即将退休。切尼维特从2008年4月开始担任公司CEO。

    At 7 a.m. on Monday , November 24 , United Technologies announced that Louis Chenevert , its CEO since April 2008 , was stepping down immediately at age 57 .

  7. 在河的左岸,城堡和哥特式圣维特大教堂(St.Vitus'sCathedral)旋转跃入天空。

    On the left bank of the river , the castle and the Gothic pirouettes of St Vitus 's cathedral leap into the sky .

  8. 《汽车新闻》(AutomotiveNews)报道称,一帮雪佛兰经销商正在密谋,售价高达52000美元的雪佛兰科尔维特今年秋季上市后,他们要加价20000美元。

    Automotive News reports that a handful of Chevy dealers are planning on add on up to $ 20,000 to the sticker price of the 2014 Corvette when the $ 52,000 car goes on sale in the fall .

  9. 你好我叫T.S.斯比维特,我成功抵达了

    Hello . I am T.S. Spivet . I made it here .

  10. T.S.斯比维特先生已经重新安排了他的日程表

    Mr.T.S. Spivet has managed to rearrange his schedule .

  11. 您就是那位刚刚发明了磁力轮的T.S.斯比维特先生么?

    You are the T.S. Spivet that has just invent the magnetic wheel ?

  12. 范维伦去年12月患上了肺结核,在那之前,他甚至没有“脸谱”和“维特”账号,也很少登录“YouTube”。

    Before being struck down with tuberculosis in December last year , van Vuuren did not have a Facebook profile nor a Twitter account and had barely used YouTube .

  13. 稍等你就是…T.S.斯比维特还是你父亲是T.S.斯比维特?

    Just a moment . You 're T.S. Spivet , or your father is T.S. Spivet ?

  14. 喂,好的,嗯我想找T.S.斯比维特,我叫吉布森

    Hello , yes , uh ... I would like to speak to T.S. Spivet , this is Miss Jibsen ,

  15. 航空航天业历史上规模最大的一笔交易——2010年,联合技术公司斥资163亿美元收购古德里奇公司(Goodrich)——正是出自切尼维特之手。

    It was Chenevert who orchestrated the biggest deal in aerospace history , United Technologies " $ 16.3 billion acquisition of Goodrich in 2010 .

  16. 航空航天业历史上规模最大的一笔交易2010年,联合技术公司斥资163亿美元收购古德里奇公司(Goodrich)正是出自切尼维特之手。

    It was Chenevert who orchestrated the biggest deal in aerospace history , United Technologies ' $ 16.3 billion acquisition of Goodrich in 2010 .

  17. 法国人亨利.维特(HenriVidal)发明的加筋土经过30年的研究和发展,现已广泛用于土木工程领域。

    After 30 years of research and development the reinforced earth , invented by French Henri Vidal , is now widely used in the field of civil engineering .

  18. “的瑞维特拍卖Spectaculars确定的基准业界领先的营销和销售战略,尽管经济条件下,”他麦克里奥德说。

    " The Ray White Auction Spectaculars have set the benchmark for industry-leading marketing and selling strategies despite economic conditions ," Mr McLeod said .

  19. 他说他的确是T.S.斯比维特他九岁…十岁…非常,非常,非常…小

    He claims to be , he actually is T.S. Spivet . He is nine or ten years older and very , very , very ... small .

  20. 他说,首先,西万尼“和格鲁纳绿维特利纳、白皮诺(PinotBlanc)及雷司令一样,都属于口感干爽、带矿物香的旧大陆白葡萄”,而这一类葡萄品种繁多,竞争激烈。

    For starters , he said , it 's in the middle of a very crowded and competitive category of ' crisp , minerally , old-world white wines like Gruner Veltliner , Pinot Blanc and Riesling . '

  21. 多款高性能汽车,如宝马M6和雪佛兰科尔维特(ChevroletCorvette),车体外板均采用碳纤维材料。不仅如此,它还取代了车内装饰用的薄木板和铝制材料,成为新的装饰材料。

    A couple of high-end performance cars like the BMW M6 and Chevrolet Corvette have carbon fiber body panels , and the material is used for interior trim in the place of wood veneers or aluminum .

  22. 雷顿六岁T.S.六岁交联对话与视线方向模式图——作者:T.S.斯比维特父亲与T.S.的目光接触频率:零为什么?

    Layton Age six . T.S. Age six . Patterns of cross talk and directional eyelines by T.S. Spivet . Frequency of father 's eye contact to T.S : Nill Why ?

  23. 比方说,格鲁纳绿维特利纳(GrunerVeltliner)就是在一群美国侍酒师认定其有关注价值,并进行推广普及之后为人熟知的。

    Take , for example , the way that Gruner Veltliner became a household name after a band of American sommeliers decided it was worthy of attention .

  24. 大家好我的名字是T.S.斯比维特我十岁正在读六年级在座的各位有谁还没有博士学位么?有谁吗?

    Hello everybody . My name is T.S. Spivet , I am ten years old and I am actually in sixth grade.Is there anyone in this room , who doesn 't already at least have a PhD ?

  25. 而这种做法的确有效。“捷克人养成了很强的阅读习惯,即便在今天,会上图书馆的人买书也更多,一年下来平均会买11本书。”捷克国家图书馆附设图书馆学中心的主任维特‧李希特(VitRichter)表示。

    And it worked . " Czechs developed a strong reading habit , and even today , those who visit libraries buy more books - 11 a year , on average - than others , " said Vit Richter , director of the Librarianship Institute of the Czech National Library .

  26. 我们今天这位嘉宾占据了本周所有头条他是科学界的莫扎特T.S.斯比维特,年仅十岁就领先其他大批科学家获得了今年竞争激烈的贝尔德奖

    My guest tonight has dominated this week 's headlines . He is to science what Mozart is to music . T.S. Spivet , just ten years old , and he had sprinted ahead of legions of scientists to win this year 's coveted Baird Award .

  27. 我给维特发了电报,但是没有告诉他。

    I wired whit , but I didn 't tell him .

  28. 除了维特还有4个人知道那份证词。

    Four of us knew about that affidavit outside of whit .

  29. 他会出卖我们的,他会去找维特。

    He 'd have been against us , gone to whit .

  30. 问题可能出在切尼维特对未来的承诺上。

    The problem may be Chenevert 's promises for the future .