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  1. 杨广、杨素等人的作品都呈现出文质并重的特征。

    Yang , Yang , who works the text has emerged both quality characteristics .

  2. 文章还分析了杨素诗歌常用的意象,指出其诗歌与其心态的发展变化相联系,并对其诗歌的艺术特点进行了论析。

    The paper also discusses some common images , and pointed out that his poetry linked to the development of his psychology changes , and analysis on its poetry styles .

  3. 杨广、杨素等倡导和推动诗歌律化及新体诗创作与实践,对唐代诗国高潮的到来做出了巨大的贡献。

    Yang Guang and Yang Su advocated and promoted the rhyming of poetry and the creation of new poetry , which contributed a lot to the poetry climax of Tang Dynasty .

  4. 他使用得力的大臣高颖、杨素、牛弘、苏威等,坚持以农为本,兴修水利,使手工业和商业得到恢复发展。

    He entrusted able men like Gao Ying , Yang Su , Niu Hong and Su Wei alike with important positions N Emperor Wen also engaged in developing agriculture and constructing water conservancy as well as irrigation systems , which helped reviving handicraft industry and commerce .