
  • 网络Shixing;Siheung
  1. 距始兴县城45km,总面积达7545ha.结果表明:点抽样估计林分断面积是无偏的,而估计林分每公顷株数效率不高。

    It covers 7545 hectare . The results indicated that it is unbiased to estimate basal area of stand but inefficient when estimating stems per hectare by point sampling .

  2. 始兴县林业股份合作制探讨

    On forestry share-holding cooperative system in Shixing county , Guangdong Province

  3. 广东始兴县集体林的经营模式

    The Collective Forest Management Patterns in Shixing County of Guangdong Province

  4. 土地利用方式变化的生态环境影响分析&以广东省始兴县为例

    Analysis on Effect of Land Use Method Change on Ecological Environment

  5. 始兴县烽火台探索

    The Initial Exploration of Beacon Towers in Shixing County

  6. 始兴县合利菜场土壤质量性状研究

    Study on characteristics of soil quality in Heli vegetable land , Shixing county

  7. 韩佳:今天我们来到了韶关的始兴学汉语。

    Today , we are at Shixing in Shaoguan to learn Chinese with you .

  8. 城镇绿地系统规划研究&以广东省始兴县城为例

    THE PLANNING Of URBAN GREEN SYSTEM & A Case Study of Shixing County , Guangdong

  9. 区域经济一体化始兴于二战后,是国际经济合作的重要内容之一。

    Regional cooperation as an important part of international economic cooperation emerged after World War ⅱ .

  10. 吴简中的军吏与刘宋时期始兴郡大田武吏无必然联系,后者是地方武装性质的兵而非吏。

    It has no certain relation with the soldiers of local armed forces in the Liu-Song Period .

  11. 2005~2006年始兴县狂犬疫苗免疫后抗体检测结果

    Analysis of results in detection of antibody to rabies virus after vaccination in Shixing County from 2005 to 2006

  12. 2003年在始兴县进行10种粤北乡土阔叶树种选择研究。

    Growth and rhizospheric fertility of 10 native broad-leaved tree species in Shixing County , North Guangdong were studied .

  13. 山区生态县区域协调发展的机制构建&以粤北始兴县为例

    The Regional Coordination Mechanism of Mountain Area 's Ecological County & Take Shixing County in the Mountain area of North Guangdong for Example

  14. 在25℃条件下,始兴县和广州种群的临界日长分别为13小时20分和13小时18分。

    The critical day-length estimated for the borer population in Shi Xing County at 25 ℃ is 13 hr . 20 min. and 13 hr .

  15. 异常基本上分为常宁-大余和新宁-始兴两个分带,与该区内隐伏岩体的分布吻合。

    The anomalies can be divided into two zones : Changning-Dayu zone and Xinning-Shixing zone , and their distribution agree well with the location of the concealed intrusive bodies .

  16. 本文从集体林业经营发展的角度出发,介绍了始兴县集体林经营的4种模式,并对各种经营模式进行了分析和探讨。

    Started with the management and development of collective forest , 4 different patterns of collective forest management in Shixing county of Guangdong province were introduced , analyzed and discussed in this paper .

  17. 饶坚,祖籍始兴,70年代末生于南雄,大学本科,现供职于韶关日报社任编辑、记者。

    Rao Jian , of the origin of Shixing , was born in Nanxiong in the late70s , possesses a university diploma . He 's now working at Shaoguan Daily as editor and journalist .

  18. 以广东省始兴县城区为例,运用景观生态学原理,探讨了城镇绿地系统规划的目标、原则、方法及布局结构等问题。

    Taking Shixing County as an example , the goal , the principle , the methods , and the layout of the urban green system planning are studied by using the theory of landscape ecology .

  19. 根据有关资料对中国古代诽谤罪的兴废时间进行了考辨,认为诽谤罪始兴时间当在西周末年周厉王时期。

    This paper studies the starting and end time of libel in ancient China according to documents concerned , point out the starting time is Liwang s domination period of the late West Zhou Dynasty .

  20. 并结合始兴县的实际情况,对该县主导产业型、传统资源型、城效型三种类型的乡镇今后农村产业结构调整提出建议。

    And according to the real condition of Shixing County , The future adjustment of rural industrial structure to three main types of towns in Shixing County including leading industry type , traditional sources type and city outskirts type was suggested .

  21. 同时,河洛唐传奇中北邙情结也是其神秘奇异色彩的独特体现。二、折射现实的主题;河洛地区是帝王始兴之地,独特的王都位置使这一地区的文化带有强烈的政治色彩。

    In Tang legend of He-luo region , the Bei-mang plot is one of the manifests . Secondly , refracting realistic subject ; He-luo region is place of the king rising , the unique position of the capital enable this local culture to have the intense political color .