
  • 网络hangzhou east railway station;Hangzhou East Station
  1. 从城市设计的角度出发,通过对杭州东站的设计分析,阐述了大型交通枢纽站设计与城市设计的密切关系。

    The article starts from urban design and illustrates the relationship between large-scale terminal design and urban planning by the example of Hangzhou East Station .

  2. 铁路杭州东站旅客构成与旅游功能的开发

    A Study on the Tour Function Development and the Tourist Structure in the East Hangzhou Railway Station

  3. 杭州东站枢纽工程在大型铁路枢纽工程建设中有很强的代表性,特别是房钢结构工程十分复杂,其钢结构涵盖了出站层、高架候车层和屋盖三大分。

    Particularly the steel structure project of the station building is very complex , and its steel structure covers the station departure layer , elevated waiting layer and roof .

  4. 在未来的杭州新东站,这样的小情调同样是信手拈来。

    In the future Hangzhou New East Station , it is very easy to realize such habit .