
  • 网络Hangzhou Station;Hangzhou Railway Station
  1. 杭州站的地质情况非常特殊。

    The geological state of Hangzhou Station is very special .

  2. “明日之星”杭州站的孩子们举行了一个特别的祈祷仪式,来表达对玉树遇难同胞的哀悼之情。

    " Swing for the Stars " campers in Hangzhou held a special evening vigil ceremony to share their grief with the victims of the Yushu earthquake .

  3. 赛间体能训练的负荷呈波浪式规律起伏,杭州站、上海站、南京站整体负荷节奏以小为主,结合间歇日出现中等负荷。

    The loads of physical and condition training between the games are ups and downs like waves , the whole load rhythm in hangzhou , Shanghai and Nanjing stations is mainly " small " give priority to , combined with intermittent day appear " medium " load .

  4. 杭州医药站药品分公司管理信息系统的开发与应用

    The development and application of a management information system for whole-sale medicine enterprise

  5. 去杭州火车站。

    A : Hangzhou Railway Station , please .

  6. 从杭州火车站驱车不过十几分钟便来到索菲特世外桃源度假酒店。

    It only takes more than ten minutes to ride from Hangzhou Railway Station to Sofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort .

  7. 我们赞成宾馆距西湖仅一公里,距机场仅15分钟车程,距杭州城站火车站步行仅5分钟。

    Our hotel is only1km away from the West Lake , 15 minutes'drive from the airport and5 minutes'walk from the Railway Station .

  8. 20世纪初,中国大地上陆续出现了许多极富特色的铁路客运站,最早的杭州城站即是在那个时代建成的、带有明显西方折衷主义建筑风格的铁路客运站。

    In the early 20th century , many distinctive railway stations had been found in China , when the first station in Hangzhou city , with the clear west " eclectic " architectural style , was built .

  9. 本文简单论述了杭州地铁湖滨站和世纪大道站的工程概况,并从测斜数据对世纪大道和湖滨站的数据进行对比。

    This paper briefly discusses the project profile of the Hangzhou Metro Century Avenue Station and Lake Station , and compares from the inclinometer data on Century Avenue and Lake station .

  10. 北京奥运火炬接力路线已经确定,杭州是其中一站。

    The route of the Beijing Olympic torch relay has been decided with Hangzhou as a stop .