
  • 网络Songyuan city;Matsubara
  1. 强降雨和大风迫使吉林省长春市、松原市以及白城市的中小学及幼儿园关闭一至两天。

    In Jilin province , heavy rains and strong winds have forced many cities to close their primary and middle schools and kindergartens for one or two days , including in the capital city Changchun , as well as Songyuan and Baicheng .

  2. 本文运用发展战略理论,用SWOT分析方法,分析和研究松原市生态旅游产业的发展。

    In this paper , the theory of development strategy , SWOT analysis methods , analysis and research Songyuan eco-tourism industry .

  3. 第二松花江流域松原市江段水污染控制研究

    The Research of Water Contamination to Second-songhuajiang River in Songyuan City

  4. 松原市防汛无线通信网工程设计

    Design of Wireless Communication Net Work of Flood Control for Songyuan City

  5. 关于松原市生态市建设的几点思考

    Several Thinkings of the Ecotypic City Construction in SongYuan City

  6. 松原市地下水资源与环境综合信息模拟管理研究

    Study on the Groundwater Resources and Environment Integrated Information Management of Songyuan

  7. 松原市土地沙化机制及可持续发展模式

    Land Desertification Mechanism and Sustainable Development Mode in the Eastern Agro-pasture Ecotone

  8. 松原市城市居民最低生活保障管理问题研究

    Research on Urban Subsistence Security System Management in Songyuan City

  9. 松原市农发行新业务的实践与思考

    Thinking of New Business of ADB in Songyuan City

  10. 松原市城区街路绿化柳树烂皮病发生与防治

    Occurrence and Control of Valsa sordida Nit . in Urban Avenue Trees in Songyuan City

  11. 基于遥感的城乡人口分布模拟&以松原市为例

    Simulating Urban-rural Population Distribution Based Remote Sensing : Taking Songyuan City As a Case Study

  12. 松原市退耕还草地带苜蓿种植及加工调制技术研究

    Study on Processing Technique and Planting Experiment of Alfalfa on Returned Region in Songyuan City

  13. 松原市液化概评

    Introduction on Liquefying in Songyuan City

  14. 松原市林业执法队伍现状的调查研究

    A current investigation on contingent for forestry law enforcement in Songyuan City , Jilin , China

  15. 研究区为第二松花江从吉林市到松原市的河谷区,在河谷区推行小井种稻是吉林省农业发展新的增长点。

    The study area locates in the second Songhua River valley from Jilin to Songyuan city .

  16. 基于主体功能区视角的松原市发展对策研究

    The Research on the Development Countermeasures of Songyuan City in the View of the Main Function Zones

  17. 第二松花江松原市江段纳污能力及总量控制分析

    The Analysis Total Amount control and Capacity of Receiving Pollutants in Songyuan City Reaches of Second-Songhua River

  18. 松原市餐具集中消毒服务机构现状调查及监督管理对策研究

    The Current Situation Investigation and Countermeasures for Management by Supervision of the Centralized Table-ware Disinfection Service Organizations in Songyuan City

  19. 吉林省西部地区主要包括松原市、白城市和四平市的双辽市。

    The present situation and control of the local fluorine , arsenic poisoning in the western part of Jilin Province ;

  20. 本论文是松原市水利局水资源管理办公室的立项课题(松原市地下水资源与环境综合模拟管理研究)中期研究工作的基础上完成的。

    This paper based on the mid-term study of the lesson belonging to The Hydraulic Bureau and Water Resources Management Office in SongYuan .

  21. 然而松原市物流业发展尚处于起步阶段,还存在很多的缺点和不足。

    However , thedevelopment of logistics industry in Songyuan is still in its infancy , there are still a lot of shortcomings and deficiencies .

  22. 松原市地处吉林省西部重要交通节点位置,其公路客运枢纽规划的科学性十分重要。

    The Songyuan City is located in a important transport node in the west of Jilin province . The Planning of highway passenger transportation hub should be planed scientifically .

  23. 该桥的建设,既可以打通松原市城区西出口的交通大动脉,也给周边群众的生命财产安全带来了保障。

    Thanks to the construction of this overpass bridge , the transportation hub of west district channel can be created , the circumjacent people 's life and property can be well protected .

  24. 通过对松原市林业经济现状的分析,提出了加快松原市林业经济发展、促进农民增收的具体措施。

    Through analysis on present situation of forest economy in Songyuan City , Jilin , China , the concrete suggestions on promoting forest economic development to increase peasant 's income were put forward .

  25. 查干湖位于吉林省松原市前郭尔罗斯境内,这是一个远近闻名的、承载着很多古老传奇的湖泊。

    Chagan Lake is located on the land of Qianguo'erluosi County , Songyuan City , Jilin Province , which is a lake carrying on many ancient stories and is known by both near and far .

  26. 钢管混凝土拱桥是我国近年来桥梁发展的新技术,笔者详细介绍了松原市中承式钢管混凝土拱桥荷载试验情况。

    Concrete filled steel tube arch bridge is a new technology in the bridge development of China , this paper has introduced the loading experiment of middle bearing concrete steel tube filled arch bridge in detail .

  27. 本研究采用自然实验法对吉林省松原市逸夫实验小学160名四、五年级的学生进行了对比实验研究,探讨图式教学对阅读理解能力、推理能力和自我效能感的影响。

    With 160 Ss selected from grade 4 to grade 5 in primary school of Yi Fu , Song Yuan City , the study aimed to investigate the influence of schema instruction on self-efficiency , inference abilities and reading abilites of Ss .

  28. 作为吉林省西部的一个重要资源型城市,生态省建设战略的确定为松原的生态市建设提供了难得的发展契机。

    As an important resource-style city in the west of JiLin Province , the tactical decision of ecotypic province construction provide the rare developing chance for the ecotypic city construction in SongYuan City .