
sōng mù
  • pine;pine wood;deal;larch
松木 [sōng mù]
  • (1) [pine wood;deal]∶木材纹理直,白色或黄色,很耐久,含大量树脂,材质软或硬,白松木很软,而长叶松及相近的种类则很硬

  • (2) [larch]∶指属于落叶松属(Larix)和冷杉属(Abies)的木材

松木[sōng mù]
  1. 松木家具我们备货不多。

    We don 't carry a large stock of pine furniture .

  2. 一块灰色的地毯被揭开,露出了原来的松木地板。

    A grey carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor .

  3. 破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。

    Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window .

  4. 那间敞亮宜人的房间装有松木护墙板。

    The cheerful room was panelled in pine .

  5. 绿色的墙纸完美地衬托出衣橱那年代久远的松木。

    The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser

  6. 他用白松木雕刻出那些人偶。

    He carves his figures from white pine

  7. 两个房间里都有仿古松木家具。

    Both rooms have antiqued pine furniture .

  8. 这是一张松木桌子。

    This is a pine table .

  9. 他刨去泥土,下面露出一块松木瓦块。

    He scraped away the dirt , and exposed a pine shingle .

  10. 一张松木桌子和四把配套的椅子

    a pine table with four matching chairs

  11. 干燥处理对PE/松木粉复合材料性能的影响

    Effect of drying treatment on properties of wood flour / PE composite

  12. 预挤压处理的南方松木片制TMP的工厂试验

    Mill Scale Results on TMP Pulping of Southern Pine with Pressurized Chip Pretreatment

  13. 本研究从人工林湿地松木粉试样的表面采集近红外漫反射光谱,并利用X射线衍射法测定了木材纤维素的结晶度。

    Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra were collected from wood powder with a fiber-optical probe and the crystallinity of wood was determined by X-ray diffractometer ( XRD ) in this experiment .

  14. 采用松木碳为载体和水合肼为还原剂,通过化学还原沉积法制得Pt/C和PtCr/C催化剂。

    The Pt / C and PtCr / C catalysts were prepared by chemical reduction deposition , using pine carbon as support and hydrazine hydrate as reducing agent .

  15. 以白云石为载体制备的Ni基催化剂对松木粉在700℃下气化产生的焦油进行了催化裂解实验研究,并与重油裂解催化剂进行了对比。

    Study on biomass tar made of pine powder gasified using Ni base catalyst with dolomite carrier at 700 ℃ was worked out and compared with heavy oil cracking catalyst .

  16. 高沸醇(HBS)木质素是用高沸醇溶剂法从松木、稻草中提取的一种新型的环保材料。

    HBS ( High Boiling Solvent ) lignin was extracted from pine of rice straws by using high boiling alcohol as a solvent .

  17. 跨过横亘在神圣的五十铃河(Isuzuriver)上的一座木桥,走近神宫,你看不到明显的建筑印记,只能看到满山的雪松、柏树和松木。

    Approaching the complex over a wooden bridge , which arcs over the sacred Isuzu river , one finds no obvious signs of structures , but rather hills of cedar , cypress and pine .

  18. 我国松节油生产以脂松节油(GT)为主,但随着松木造纸的发展,CST的比重将不断增大。

    In China , CST is on way to be increased accompanying with the developing pulp industry , although the main is gun turpentine ( GT ) at present days .

  19. 南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)的一个团队给一个机器人编了程序,让其创造并执行计划,自主组装宜家售价25美元的松木斯第芬(Stefan)椅的大部分,要做到这一点需要各种人类的技能。

    A team from Nanyang Technological University programmed a robot to create and execute a plan to piece together most of Ikea 's $ 25 solid-pine Stefan chair on its own , calling on a medley of human skills to do so .

  20. 我公司生产的所有玩具均采用优质木材,常用的包括有:榉木、橡胶木、桦木、椴木、松木、MDF、夹板等。

    I produced all the toys are of high quality timber , commonly used include : beech , rubber wood , birch , basswood , pine , MDF , plywood and so on .

  21. 意大利钟表商LowellSrl选用了桃花心木、松木以及多种其他木材制成了该公司所称的环保型手表,这些手表的售价为300欧元至400欧元(约合人民币2590元至人民币3450元)。

    Italy 's Lowell srl uses mahogany , pine and a host of other woods to make what it calls environmentally friendly watches that cost between EUR300 and EUR400 .

  22. 同时添加剂的加入提升了杉木、松木和纤维素热解气体产率,但却在一定程度上降低了气体产物中H2和CH4的含量,即降低了热解气体产物的品质。

    The gas production yield was increased with the additives added . But at the same time the CH4 and H2 contents of the gaseous product were reducesed to some extent , which reduced the quality of the pyrolysis gas .

  23. Bunkroom也在楼上,它宽大厚实的黄松木地板上放着8张日式床垫。

    the Bunkroom , which is also upstairs , has eight futons on its wide-planked yellow pine floor .

  24. 通过大量试验,给出高速船玻璃钢夹层结构件原材料(聚氨酯泡沫塑料PU、聚氯乙烯泡沫塑料PVC、多层胶合板、松木和玻璃钢等)的力学性能及统计曲线,可供高速玻璃钢船设计时使用。

    The mechanical properties and statistical curves of raw materials ( PU , PVC foam , plywood , pine wood and GFRP ) for GFRP sandwich components of high speed ships are presented through a large number of tests , giving a reference to designs of high speed GFRP ships .

  25. 对PMMA和松木两种典型的固体可燃物,采用基于耗氧原理的燃烧热释放速率测量方法,利用锥型量热计系统,在不同外加辐射热作用下测量了热释放率。

    In this paper PMMA and pine are chosen as two typical solid materials . The method based on the principle of oxygen consumption is applied , the Calorimetry System is used , and the heat release rates of solid combustion with different fluxes radiant heat are measured .

  26. 松木是软木,柚木是硬木

    Pine be a soft wood and teak be a hard wood

  27. 那棵大原松木值90元。

    The large pine was worth ninety dollars in the log .

  28. 松木桌面镶有一层桃花心木的装饰薄板。

    The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer .

  29. 粗矿的松木雕花表现浓郁的乡村气息。

    Coarse ore carved pine strong performance of the rural atmosphere .

  30. 5种有机酸对华山松木蠹象的拒食作用

    Antifeeding Effects of Five Organic Acids against Imago of Pissodes punctatus