
  • Soft bread;light bread
  1. 玉米粉做成的松软面包,有时也用稻米和玉米碎粒做成;必须用调羹吃(主要在南方)。

    Soft bread made of cornmeal and sometimes rice or hominy ; must be served with a spoon ( chiefly Southern ) .

  2. 还有凯宾美食廊为您烘焙好的最新鲜松软的面包和糕点,满足您对甜品的渴望。

    The deli bakes the freshest bread and pastries to satisfy guest 's sweet tooth .

  3. 地板上摆着大堆的上好的圣诞食品——味道浓郁的巧克力蛋糕、热乎乎松软的面包、

    On the floor were big plies of the best Christmas food - wonderful rich dark cakes , warm soft bread ,

  4. 在美国最普遍的就是这种大量生产的白色、松软的面包,装在跳跳舞毯能减肥吗份子化合物塑料袋中,一周保质期,它就是造成肥胖和糖尿病的首要元凶。

    The most common form of bread in Americaethe mass-produced white , soft doughy bread in plastic bags with a shelf life of weeks is likely a major component of obesity and diabetes .

  5. 印度油炸小点——塞满馅的面团,炸制而成,一口一个正合适;餐包蔬菜——松软酥脆的黄油面包搭配丰富的蔬菜咖喱,都是孟买的传奇。

    Panipuri , bite-size balls of stuffed fried dough , are legendary in Mumbai , as is pav bhaji , a rich vegetable curry served with a crispy buttered roll .