
  • 网络a crate
  1. 有人在板条箱上贴了标签。

    Someone stuck a label on the crate .

  2. 有人在板条箱上贴了标签。

    Someone has stuck a label on the crate .

  3. 大批的箱子和板条箱等着检验后装运。

    There were scores of boxes and crates , all waiting to be checked and loaded .

  4. 凯西亚德夫人正在将干净的瓶子整齐地码放在板条箱里。

    Mme Cathiard was stacking the clean bottles in crates

  5. 马奥尼已经摆好了其中两个板条箱。

    Mahoney had lined up two of the crates

  6. 数以千计的板条箱堆放在仓库里。

    Thousands of crates compacted in a warehouse .

  7. 所有的板条箱都应该是标准型尺寸的。

    All crates should be " of " a standard size .

  8. 用空板条箱权充桌子。

    Use an empty crate as a makeshift for a table .

  9. 想打开其他板条箱吗

    Would you like to open the rest of the crates ?

  10. 他使足了劲也只能移动那只板条箱。

    Byexert-ing all of his strength he could just move the crate .

  11. 板条箱我们可以拖两天再运吗?

    Can we delay to ship the crates for two more days ?

  12. 猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。

    The cat was sitting on an upturned crate .

  13. 这礼物散放在纽约港贝德罗岛的214个板条箱中

    Scattered across Bedloe 's Island in New York Harbor in 214 crates .

  14. 这些板条箱太重了,一个人很难扛动。

    The crates were too heavy and awkward for one person to carry .

  15. 他们把一大堆板条箱扔到船上。

    They slung a whole lot of crates aboard .

  16. 计算机控制的集装箱装卸钉接机(手提式除外),用于装配木盒,木箱,板条箱

    Nailing machine ( excl. hand-held ) for assembling wooden boxes , cases , crates

  17. 我把板条箱倒过来坐。

    I up-endedthe crate and sat on it .

  18. 船员们从船上卸下板条箱。

    The crew unloaded crates from the ship .

  19. 他用板条箱临时做成书架。

    He improvised a bookcase out of crates .

  20. 他们用力拖这个笨重的板条箱,但它丝毫没动。

    They heaved away at the heavy crate but it didn 't move an inch .

  21. 贵方报价应包括板条箱包装费及到我方仓库的运费。

    Your price is to include packing in crate , and delivery to our warehouse .

  22. 可回收的瓶子、板条箱等.箱子里有一条裤子。

    Returnable bottles , crates , etc There be a pair of trousers in the case .

  23. 把板条箱4个一组堆起来。

    Stack the crates in fours .

  24. 我们建议贵方把外包装改一下,用板条箱代替硬纸箱。

    We suggest you have the outer packing chance , using wooden crate instead of cardboard boxes .

  25. 除可任意使用的物品外,不可采用钉书钉或缝针固定的板条箱和纸板箱。

    Stapled or " stitched-nailed " crates or cartons should not be used except for disposable goods .

  26. 如果贵公司可以提供,请电邮图片,并产品规格及板条箱包装的重量和尺寸。

    If you can supply these presses please email pictures , specs . , crated weight and size .

  27. 所有钢构件的板条箱、捆束和散件都应带有适当的装运标志。

    All wooden crates for steel components , bundles and loose items shall display in prominence appropriate signages for transportation .

  28. 等你的宠物可以在板条箱里安静地睡觉时,再把板条箱搬进卧室里面放两个星期。

    When your pet can sleep quietly in the crate , move the crate inside your room for another two weeks .

  29. 等这个板条箱里的训练完成时,试着让狗狗或者猫咪在离你床近的地方趴在自己的窝里睡。

    When the crate training is complete , try letting the dog or cat sleep in his own bed near your bed .

  30. 工作台上覆盖着薄纸,旁边则放着板条箱,里面装着专门运送而来的各品牌经典时装。

    The work benches are covered in tissue paper and furnished with the crates in which various archive clothes have been delivered .