
  • 网络Bsp;board support package;board support package bsp
  1. 然后描述了开发平台的硬件特点,以及所使用的板级支持包和嵌入式Linux操作系统的作用及移植方法。

    Then , it describes the characteristic of hardware of development platform , function and transplant method of BSP and embedded Linux operating system which we used in platform .

  2. 一方面,若目标板有板级支持包,则可通过高速I/O端口快速地完成大批数据的固化处理。

    On the one hand , if the target board has a BSP the solidifying operations can be done through high-speed I / O port rapidly .

  3. 一种DSP嵌入式多媒体应用系统板级支持包的研究

    DSP-based BSP in embedded multimedia application systems

  4. 底层平台软件包括板级支持包、Linux内核和根文件系统。

    The platform software are board support packages ( BSP ), the Linux kernel and root file system .

  5. 编写调试人机接口电路的BSP板级支持包以及驱动程序。

    Writing the BSP board support package and the drive procedure .

  6. 进行了系统板级支持包BSP的开发。

    The development of Board Support Package ( BSP ) is carried out .

  7. 在现代RTOS设计中,普遍采用的方法是板级支持包(BSP)。

    Among such RTOS-based systems , Board Support Package ( BSP ) is also an important factor .

  8. 针对设计所定制的硬件,论文详述了板级支持包的开发过程,包括数字音频输入、数字视频输入以及ARM与FPGA之间通信。

    The thesis details the development procedures of board support packages , including digital audio input , digital video input and communication between ARM and FPGA , for the customized hardware .

  9. 对系统板级支持包BSP进行了深入的研究,分析和总结了BSP的文件结构。

    Board Support Package ( BSP ) is lucubrated and the file structure of BSP is analyzed and summarized .

  10. 板级支持包(BSP)是在嵌入式系统中频繁使用的一个概念。

    In embedded system the set of device drivers for a board is called Board Support Package ( BSP ) .

  11. 论文着重分析与研究在嵌入式计算机中USB主机控制器的硬件设计、板级支持包BSP中对USB的底层支持和USB主机控制器在操作系统WINDOWSCE下的驱动。

    The thesis ' gives prominence to analysis and research USB host controller in embedded computer , including hardware design , the support of BSP and related driver in Windows CE .

  12. 板级支持包BSP来源于嵌入式操作系统与硬件无关的设计思想,操作系统被设计为运行在虚拟的硬件平台上。

    BSP derives from the idea of the irrelevance between operation system and hardware . Operating system is designed to run on virtual hardware platforms .

  13. 嵌入式开发中一个重要的环节是板级支持包(BSP)的开发,实际开发过程更倾向于移植BSP而不是重新开发BSP。

    BSP development is a important section in the embed system development , In the development , we prefer BSP migration to developing a BSP again .

  14. 论文实现了板级支持包BSP中对底层的支持USB的相关文件的修改与编写,在分析WINDOWSCE中USB分层驱动模型的基础上,针对所设计的具体硬件,实现USB主机控制器的驱动。

    The related files are modified and written in BSP for realizing the support of USB . On the basis of analyzing delamination driver model in Windows CE , realize USB driver according to actual hardware .

  15. 并结合光管理模块的具体功能,编写了一部分板级支持包(BSP),最后从总体上给出了基于此操作系统的软件设计。

    And combine the function of optical network management module , writing some board support package ( BSP ) . Designing the software based on this operating system and BSP on the whole finally .

  16. 本文从硬件抽象层的原理入手,给出了作为嵌入式系统中硬件抽象层的实现形式BSP(板级支持包)功能和特点,并提供了基于东芝单片机的设计实例。

    The thesis starts from HAL theory , introduces the function and characteristics of BSP which is the realization form of HAL of embedded system and brings up the actual designed example based on Toshiba SCM .

  17. 它由板级支持包(BSP)、操作系统内核及用户选用组件、中断服务程序(ISR)绢成。

    It is specific designed for the application of embedded system , it include the BSP ( Board Support Package ) and operating kernel and user selected component and ISR ( interrupt service routine ) .

  18. 第三章主要介绍了对CPU-1432进行BSP开发的过程,选用标准Pentium板级支持包,针对硬件平台进行修改,并通过几种不同的方法移植到CPU-1432上。

    Chapter 3 describes the process of developing BSP ( Board Support Packet ) in several methods , choosing BSP for Pentium and modifying it according hardware platform and explanting .

  19. Nut/OS内核与板级支持包的剥离;

    The kernel of Nut / OS from BSP ( Board Support Package ) is extracted ;

  20. 第一章介绍航海导航技术,嵌入式系统和板级支持包技术的发展现状。

    Chapter 1 introduces the current development of the Navigation System 、 the embedded system , and the Board Support Package technology .

  21. 论文通过实现对板级支持包的修改提出了一种集安全性、高效性于一体的操作系统启动方案,较好的完成了操作系统的启动优化设计。

    The paper proposes a safety and efficiency startup program of the operating system by modifying the Board Support Package , The design can be better to complete the startup of the operating system .

  22. 该软件被设计为既可以通过固化操作协议用I/O端口与已运行板级支持包的目标板建立通讯连接,又可以通过边界扫描测试的方式直接操作目标板上的微控制器。

    The software is designed to be able to establish communication links through operation agreement with I / O ports with target board that has running BSP , but direct control the MCU on the target board through the JTAG as well .

  23. 在嵌入式技术的设计与应用中,板级支持软件包BSP是嵌入式技术应用中软硬件结合层面的一个关键环节,其形式与作用随不同的软硬件环境产生的差异发生变化。

    BSP plays a key role which crosses the hardware and software for designing and application in the embedded technology , and its structure and functions are different as the system of software and hardware .

  24. 该设计模型引入硬件板级支持软件包(BSP)来支持操作系统在各类OEM板或用户定制硬件系统板上的移植,从而解决了传统系统的缺陷,满足了当前对ERTOS的需求。

    This design model takes use of the hardware Bard Support Package ( BSP ) to support the transplanting in sorts of OEM board or hardware system board , therefore solves the questions in traditional system , and last meets the current need for ERTOS .