
bǎn yā
  • pressed salted duck;dried salted duck
板鸭 [bǎn yā]
  • [pressed salted duck] 将鸭子去毛洗净后加以盐渍、压制并风干而制成的一种食品

板鸭[bǎn yā]
  1. 南安板鸭加工技术与质量控制

    The processing technology and quality of the Nanan pressed salted duck

  2. 由此那个南京的板鸭,盐水鸭,开始走向全国。

    From this that Nanjing 's pressed salted duck , the salty wild duck , starts to move toward the nation .

  3. 本研究以南京板鸭不同加工阶段为研究对象,采用SDS-PAGE电泳分析板鸭肌肉蛋白的降解及其变化规律,检测板鸭加工各阶段游离氨基酸(FAA)含量。

    In this experiment , SDS-PAGE was used to analyze proteolysis of dry-salted duck samples of different processing phases and the changes of proteolysis were also studied .

  4. 辐照的剂量为5kGy时,板鸭的颜色和气昧开始发生质变;

    The colour and flavor of DSD began to change when the radiation dose was 5 kGy .

  5. 现场调查了板鸭的制作加工工艺,通过现场抽检,结合国家卫生标准(GB2732-88)和前人的研究,本实验制定了白市驿板鸭的微生物安全指标、理化参数和感官指标。

    The results showed as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the National Hygienic Standard ( GB2732-88 ) and other 's study , combined with investigation on the process of Bai Shi-yi Style dry salted duck , established hygienic and quality index of product .

  6. 农产品地理标志保护的优选路径&以白市驿板鸭为例

    Optimization Approach of Protection of Geographical Indication of Agricultural Product

  7. 南京板鸭加工过程中肌肉蛋白降解的研究

    Study on Processing Proteolysis for Nanjing Dry - salted Duck

  8. 肌内脂质参与形成板鸭风味的模拟体系研究

    Study on model system of intramuscular lipids induced flavor of dry-cured duck

  9. 传统板鸭在现代社会中生存和发展的瓶颈

    Bottleneck of Subsistence and Development of Tradition Dry-cured Duck in Modern Times

  10. 低盐板鸭软罐头的研制

    Development of retort pouch food of low salt salted duck

  11. 板鸭肌间磷脂的高效液相色谱分析

    Analysis of phospholipids in salted duck muscle by high performance liquid chromatography

  12. 南京板鸭生产过程中风味成分组成及其变化

    The components and changes in flavor compounds of Nanjing dry-cured duck during processing

  13. 亚硝酸盐在板鸭加工过程中的变化

    The Changes of Nitrite Content During Processing in the Production of Salt Duck

  14. 南京板鸭加工过程中脂肪氧化研究

    Lipid Oxidation of Nanjing Dry-cured Duck during Processing

  15. 板鸭生产工艺及质量关键控制点

    General Technologies and Quality Control of Salted Duck

  16. 板鸭干制的特性分析和工艺参数优化

    Analysis of the characteristics of producing dehydrated salted duck and optimization of its processing parameters

  17. 托马斯教她口语不收钱,她就请托马斯吃南京板鸭、盐水鹅。

    Thomas did , with no paying ; and Wang invited him to eat salted duck and pressed salted duck .

  18. 介绍了我国板鸭工业化生产的一般工艺,并对影响板鸭产品质量的各个关键因素进行了探讨归纳。

    General Technologies used in industrial production of different kinds of salted duck were introduced and critical quality control factors were discussed .

  19. 方法对97家板鸭加工销售单位、119名从业人员作现场调查,对101份板鸭样品及板鸭接触物检验分析。

    Methods 97 salted duck processing and sale sites , 119 employees , 101 salted duck samples and related contact matters were investigated .

  20. 研究了板鸭生产过程中各工艺点样品肌肉中酸性脂肪酶、中性脂肪酶和磷脂酶活力的变化趋势。

    The changes of acid and neutral lipases activity , and phospholipase activity in the muscle of dry-cured duck during processing were studied .

  21. 目的了解无为板鸭生产销售过程卫生状况,为指导相关企业提高板鸭卫生质量提供依据。

    Objective In order to understand hygiene condition of Wuwei salted duck processing and sales sites and provide basis for improving its qulity .

  22. 但时至今日,落后的传统工艺和手工作坊的生产方式严重影响了南京板鸭的可持续发展。

    Up to now , the laggard traditional processing technology adopted in small-scale workshops has influenced the sustainable development of dry-cured duck seriously .

  23. 结果显示,板鸭在腌制过程中,这三种酶呈逐渐上升的趋势,而在排坯和风干过程中,酶活性逐渐丧失。

    The results showed that the activities of these three enzymes increase during the process of curing , but decrease during piling and drying .

  24. 板鸭是中国特有传统肉制品,也是世界著名的腌腊肉制品,历史悠久、风味独特,在国内及东南亚地区享有很高的声誉。

    Dry-cured duck is a peculiarly traditional meat product of china , and also one of the most famous dry-cured meat products in the world .

  25. 板鸭很被看好杀入淘汰赛阶段,而同组对手有洪都拉斯、智利和瑞士。

    The Spaniards'passage into the knockout stages appears to be a favourable one , with Honduras , Chile and Switzerland standing between them in Group H.

  26. 南京板鸭加工过程中小肽和游离氨基酸的变化对其特殊风味的形成具有重要意义。

    During processing of Nanjing cured-dry duck , the changes of peptides and free-amino acid ( FAA ) have an important effects on its unique flavour .

  27. 究其原因,主要是对南京板鸭传统加工工艺的科学发展观的认识不足,有关南京板鸭加工的科学理论研究极少,导致生产工艺的改进和工艺参数的优化缺少理论指导。

    The main reason is the deficiency in theory research , and the poor understanding on the scientific meaning of the traditional processing technology of dry-cured duck .

  28. 板鸭是经过老卤腌制过以后做熟的,吃起来口感都是比较紧密咸香。

    The pressed salted duck will be passes through old halogen souse later to do ripe , will eat the feeling in the mouth is quite close salty fragrant .

  29. 建立了固相萃取净化和高效液相色谱法测定板鸭中几种肌内磷脂的方法。板鸭肌肉中的磷脂用氨丙基硅胶固相萃取柱纯化,然后用高效液相色谱正相柱分离。

    A method of solid phase extraction ( SPE ) and high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) for the determination of phospholipids in Nanjing dry-cured duck muscle was established .

  30. 将感官评定的结果与质量指标变化进行比较,确定引起贮藏过程中板鸭品质下降的关键因素是板鸭中脂肪的氧化酸败。

    The results indicated that the key factor inducing the decrease of dry salted ducks quality was the oxidative rancidity of fat by comparing the sensory evaluation results and quality indexes .