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板本 [bǎn běn]
  • [edition of books] 用木板雕刻印刷的书籍

  • 已后典籍皆为板本。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》

  1. 仪表板本身化分为三个真空荧光显示器。

    The dashboard itself is divided into three vacuum Fluorescence Displays .

  2. 复合材料单向板本构预测软化模型

    Intenerated model for predicting constitutive equations relationship of composite unidirectional plate

  3. 中国银行业改革的板本问题是什么?

    What are its key problems ?

  4. 一种新型的人造板&木塑复合刨花板本研究得出了木材-回收聚苯乙烯塑料复合刨花板较优的生产工艺,并采用重复试验的方法验证了这一工艺条件。

    A sort of new type flakeboard-wood-plastic flake board In this paper the rational composite-manufacturing conditions were obtained .