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  1. 这幅画是宋人的真迹。

    This is an authentic song painting .

  2. 宋人以为一百两金子不少,便把秘方卖给了他。

    The Song person thought a hundred pieces of gold was a lot of money , so he gave him the recipe .

  3. 但是,真正对唐诗进行理论总结的却是宋人。

    However , the real to tang poetry theory is summarized poets .

  4. 宋人对古代器物的研究

    The Researches in the Song Dynasty on the Antiquities

  5. 《送子天王图》(一称《释迦降生图》)是宋人对他作品的临摹本。

    There is a Song Dynasty copy of his the presentation of buddha .

  6. 第三章,从宋人所推崇的格这一时代心理来探讨它对梅诗的雄健风格形成的影响。

    In the third chapter , we will discuss his insipidity of poetic style .

  7. 禅宗与宋人尚意的书法思想

    Zen and the Calligraphic Idea that People from the Song Dynasty Advocate the Meaning

  8. 宋人山水画小品的艺术特色及影响

    The Artistic Features of the Small Pieces of Song Landscape Paintings and Their Influence

  9. 论宋人的诗人诗、文人诗与儒者诗之辨

    On the Differences of Poems by Poets , Literati and Confucians in the Song Dynasty

  10. 不得不说的是宋人的文人思想对其有重大的影响。

    Have to say that the Song literati have a significant impact on their thinking .

  11. 因此,宋人将饮茶、品茶作为修身养性、陶冶情操的一种方式。

    Therefore , the Song tea , tea as away of self-cultivation , cultivate sentiments .

  12. 面对这些灾害,宋人在其诗作中多有描述。

    Faced with these disasters , some poets of that time described them in their poems .

  13. 百种宋人笔记所见饮食文化史料辑考

    Compiling and Textual Research on the Historical Materials of Dietetic Culture in Hundreds of Miscellaneous Notes

  14. 宋人笔记是近代汉语研究的重要对象。

    The Notes of Song Dynasty are important objects of the study of the Modern Chinese .

  15. 从龚贤积墨画风看宋人山水的制作

    Artist Style Looks at the Song Dynasty Scenery from the Gong Virtuous Accumulated Ink the Manufacture

  16. 赋之再发现,其影响所及,遂开宋人诗风之先声。

    The new finding of Fu and its influence affected the poem style in Song Dynasty .

  17. 宋人笔记研究

    The Study on Song

  18. 某些本事具有同一关注倾向,可以从中得知宋人的文学风尚。

    Some tales have the same tendency , so as to figure out the literature fashion in Song .

  19. 宋人妙悟与活参的诗歌接受理论

    The Receptionist Theory About the Poetry " Intuitive Apprehension " and " Elastic Deliberation " in Song Dynasty

  20. 宋人对僧人草书的评价不高,以批评居多;

    The people of Song Dynasty did not evaluate highly to monk cursive script and mostly were criticism .

  21. 因此,宋人既追求雅正的美学理想,又渴望淡雅的审美境界。

    Therefore , scholars in Song Dynasty are thirst for aesthetic ideal of Dan Ya while pursuing Ya Zheng .

  22. 另外,宋人笔记中还有许多不知名的「怪物」或「怪兽」。

    Aside from this , many unknown monsters and legendary animals are also found in sketchbooks of Sung Dynasty .

  23. 科举制度和右文政策是决定宋人看重文学师承的首要原因;

    Imperial examination system and rightism policy is the primary reason why people in Song Dynasty value that literature disciple ;

  24. 故而宋人的民族忧患意识比中国历史上任何一个朝代都要强烈和久长。

    Therefore , the national sense of the Song Dynasty in Chinese history than any dynasties have strong and long-long .

  25. 本文从《乐府雅词》、《永乐大典》以及宋人别集等文献中辑得晁补之、毛滂等人诗作共81首,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。

    This paper edits eighty poems from relevant literature as a supplement to The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty .

  26. 文章就宋赋的地位、宋人的辞赋观、宋代辞赋诸体,宋代辞赋的艺术风格及其演变过程等加以论述。

    In the first part , the author points out the function of Song Dynasty Fugues should not be denied .

  27. 回到历史场景:从宋人两个说法看哲学史与思想史之分野

    The Dividing Line Between History of Philosophy and History of Ideology from the Two Opinions Given by the Song Scholars

  28. ,二王传统作为书法的典范在宋人独特的理解方式下呈现出更为丰富的内涵。

    The two kings , traditional calligraphy as model in the way of understanding the unique exhibit more rich connotation .

  29. 但宋人与东岳神的交流并不需要通过某种中介媒体。

    However , the God of Mount Tai and the exchanges did not need some kind of intermediary through the media .

  30. 这一重大变化是由宋人音乐审美情趣的转变所造成的。

    This great transformation was the result of the change of the music appreciation interest of the people in Song Dynasties .