
  1. 宋先生在机场的移民局办事处办入境手续。

    Mr. Song is going through immigration at the airport .

  2. 这是宋先生,我们公司的市场经理。

    Song , the marketing manager of our company .

  3. 这是我们开发部经理宋先生。

    This is our development manager , Mr song .

  4. 宋先生瘦得只有皮包骨。

    Mr.Song is nothing but skin and bones .

  5. 宋先生拿了行李,走到最近的海关官员那里。

    Mr. Song picks up his baggage , then goes to the nearest customs official .

  6. 宋先生称:“我只能说,我非常后悔。”

    Song said ," I 'm much more than regretful , that 's all I can say . "

  7. 我和宋先生有个约会。我没有先预约,但事情紧急。

    I 've got an appointment with Mr. Song . I don 't have an appointment , but it 's urgent .

  8. 宋先生的儿子宋思宇是独生子,来学校最初的六个月过得很不容易。

    Song ` s only son , Song Siyu , had a rocky start during his first six weeks at the school .

  9. 当宋先生明年1月回到河南老家时,他将物色一个成本更低廉的地方做生意。

    When Mr Song returns to his native Henan province in January , he will be looking for a cheaper place to do business .

  10. 随着中国经济走向成熟,中国将不仅需要宋先生这样的人,而且还需要郭红这样的人,但他们不一定在同一地区。

    As the Chinese economy matures , it will need both Mr Song and Ms Guo – but not necessarily in the same place .

  11. 尽管每年费用高达48000美元,但绝非只有宋先生一人选择将子女送到这样严格的军事化学校。

    And he is far from alone , even though it takes a lot of money - around $ 48,000 per year - to send a child to a strict military school .

  12. 我还要感谢外事办公室副主任宋先生对我们首访新疆的热情款待和所有安排。

    I also want to thank Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office , Mr. Song , for all the great hospitality and all the arrangements for our very first visit to Xinjiang .

  13. 买家是苏州的一名股票经纪人,他要求被具名为宋先生,他表示:“我很幸运,遇到了一个没有经验的销售代表,自己承认产品是假的。如果他们否认,我根本没有办法收集证据。”

    The buyer , a Suzhou-based stock broker who gave his name as Mr Song , says : " I was lucky that I was dealing with an inexperienced sales representative who admitted that it was fake . If they had denied it , I would have no way of collecting evidence . "

  14. 听着,宋恩先生,这是凯撒琳意思。

    Look , Mr thorn , this session was katherine 's idea .

  15. 算了,宋恩先生,那只是幻觉。

    Forget about that , Mr thorn . it 's just a fantasy .

  16. 听着,宋恩先生,若你想帮你的妻子。

    Look , Mr thorn , if you want to help your wife .

  17. 不介意的话,宋恩先生,我会试着帮你弄清楚。

    Well , if you don 't mind , Mr thorn , I 'd like to try and help you find that out .

  18. 陈襄(1017-1080)是宋初闽中四先生中最重要的一位人物,在儒学史、思想史上占有一定的地位,尤其是在宋代道学发生的过程中作用重大。

    Chen Xiang ( 1017-1080 ) is the most important figure of the " four figures in Min zhong Area " . He occupied a certain position in the history of Confucianism and the intellectual history and played a significant role in the forming process of Neo-Confucianism .