
jí zǎo
  • very early
  1. 脐带血降钙素原和C反应蛋白浓度:早期诊断极早发生的新生儿感染的标记物

    Umbilical cord blood procalcitonin and C reactive protein concentrations as markers for early diagnosis of very early onset neonatal infection

  2. 第二天早上,大家醒来极早。

    The next morning , everybody woke up very early .

  3. CT检查是极早确诊的重要手段;

    CT was an important diagnostic measure .

  4. 结论MCI患者存在情感记忆受损,载有情感内容的图片不能增强MCI患者情感记忆提取,情感图片再认测试为极早发现MCI有效工具之一。

    Conclusions Recognition of emotional memory is impaired in patients with MCI , emotional content don 't enhance recognition in patients with MCI .

  5. 2琴瑟阿,你们当醒起。我自己要极早醒起。

    Awake , psaltery and harp : I myself will awake early .

  6. 矮的欧洲灌木,有极早盛开的铃铛状的红花。

    Dwarf European shrub with very early-blooming bell-shaped red flowers .

  7. 极早早产儿出生后6岁时的神经和精神发育缺陷

    Neurologic and developmental disability at six years of age after extremely preterm birth

  8. 就像有的时候画廊极早的代理,或者是批评家的捧杀,都是非常糟糕的事情。

    Like sometimes the agent of the gallery or the boost and kill of critic are trouble things .

  9. 挪威全国范围内极早接受全母乳喂养极早产儿的迟发性脓毒症

    Late-onset septicemia in a Norwegian national cohort of extremely premature infants receiving very early full human milk feeding

  10. 然而,教学者和教学研究者却慢慢发现,不是所有的学习者都得益于极早的外语学习。

    However , teachers and teaching and learning researchers gradually find that not all learners can benefit from starting learning early .

  11. 在极早的时代,世界所处的物理条件的变化,可能较现今更加急促而剧烈。

    The world at a very early period was subjected to more rapid and violent changes in its physical conditions than those now occurring .

  12. 人生的不平等开始极早,极端的先天条件已经剥夺了数万人获得充足的营养、健康以及基本的教育机会。

    Inequalities in life start early and they begin with extreme circumstances that deny millions the opportunity to have adequate nutrition , health and basic education .

  13. 目前,通过单倍体育种方法中的花药培养技术得到的单倍体植株,经加倍后产生的纯合二倍体,在育种上能极早稳定分离后代,缩短育种年限、简化选育程序。

    At present , haploid plants through anther culture of haploid breeding generated the double haploid plants , can shorten the breeding period , simplified selection process .

  14. 在这冬天的早晨,铁马的御者起身极早,在群山间的星光底下喂草驾挽。

    The stabler of the iron horse was up early this winter morning by the light of the stars amid the mountains , to fodder and harness his steed .

  15. 威尔姆克的研究小组称,他们的研究剖明,母语对宝宝的影起头得“极早”,并证明了婴儿的啼哭是专门和母亲举办交换的最初的考试测验。

    Wermke 's team said their research showed an " extremely early " impact of native language and confirmed that babies'cries are their first proper attempts to communicate specifically with their mothers .

  16. 面对这种情况,我们的思想政治教育,应极早地分析和预见网络发展对大学生带来的各种影响,并采取有效的对策。

    Faced with this kind of situation , we should explore and foresee all kinds of influences caused by the developing networks towards the college students in their thoughts and politics ' educations as early as possible , and take active and effective measures to reduce them .

  17. 这个小男孩极不愿意这么早起床。

    The little boy has a strong objection to getting up so early .

  18. 因为他们不信任非军人政治家,因此极不可能很早就进行选举。

    Their distrust of civilian politicians made early elections highly unlikely .

  19. 结论是高碘摄取区域出生之极低出生体重早?儿仍应避免使用含碘溶液作单次大面积之皮肤消毒。

    In conclusion , PV-I is suggested to be avoided for single application on a wide skin surface in VLBW babies , even in an area with high iodine-intake population .