
Despite the global economic downturn , the world bank and UN reported this year that the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped in every region of the world for the first time since record keeping began .
If the population of extremely poor people grows , the hunger crisis will become even more severe .
Both global inequality and the proportion of the world 's population and number of the world 's people in extreme poverty have fallen .
On the latter basis , he finds that the incidence of extreme poverty was as low as13.1 per cent of the developing world by2000 .
Millennium Development Goals , MGDs , aimed at halving extreme poverty , boosting health and education and further empowering women across the developing world by2015 .
We cannot let over a billion people suffer in extreme poverty when we have the tools and the resources to change their lives for the better .
The country estimates consistent growth rates of8 % or more in agriculture will allow Rwanda to achieve the first Millennium Development Goal of halving extreme poverty by2015 .
As many as90 million more people will be living in extreme poverty , on less than $ 1.25 a day , by the end of2010 , the Bank predicts .
According to the report , well-targeted cash transfer programs protect the extreme poor in the region , but pensions , unemployment , and health insurance cover only a minority of workers .
They also suggest that , as development has spread , there has been a steady fall in the proportion of the world 's population in extreme poverty , although also a rise in the absolute number up to1980 .
Just as the first set of MDGs used a checklist of indicators , such as halving extreme poverty and achieving universal primary education , the MDG 2.0 targets should tackle , among other issues , the obstacles to full legal empowerment .
But Kim told a Washington audience that previous successful efforts to cut the number of people mired in extreme poverty by half give him hope .
Economist Jeffrey Sachs said addressing climate change requires a firm commitment by rich countries to also address extreme poverty and the growing global population .
In2000 the United Nations adopted the Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by2015.One of these is halving the number of people living in extreme poverty .