
lín yè jú
  • Forestry Bureau
  1. 基于GIS的白河林业局景观格局演变研究

    Research on Landscape Pattern Evolution of Baihe Forestry Bureau Based on GIS

  2. 它是以林业局为单位、用GIS框架下的森林资源清查数据建立的。

    It uses GIS-based forest inventory data at a scale of forestry bureau .

  3. 雷诺·特兰戈西�法国国家林业局护林员

    Renaud Trangosi , Forest ranger11 for the National Forests Office

  4. 使用GIS区划了白河林业局森林经营类型,并和原有的森林经营类型进行了比较。

    This paper demonstrates a Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) procedure of classifying and mapping forest management category in Baihe Forestry Burea , Jilin Province , China .

  5. 本文以常夏石竹为研究对象,试验用的种子分别来自于黑龙江省亚布力林业局生态园(A)和吉林省北华大学实验区(B)。

    The experiment materials are Dianthus Plumarius , which came from ecology garden of Yabuli forest enterprise ( A ) and Beihua university experimental plot of JiLin Province ( B ) respectively .

  6. 他在带领中国林业局(StateForestryAdministration,SFA)的工作人员对野生华南虎了一次调查统计之后,即断言华南虎从野外绝迹。

    After leading officers from the State Forestry Administration ( SFA ) on a census of wild South China tigers , he declared that none was left .

  7. WangXiming是青岛市林业局的高级工程师。

    Wang Ximing is a senior engineer with Qingdao municipal forestry bureau .

  8. APP在其公司网站上的一份声明中称,公司将根据国家林业局和云南省人民政府及相关部门的最终决定,依法处理云景林纸并购一案。

    APP said in a statement on its website that it will deal with the case according to the final decision of the SFA .

  9. 根据来自吉林省汪清林业局森林经理调查的12个落叶松复位样地的131个径阶组数据,应用Logistic型回归式建立了落叶松林木枯损模型。

    Logistic regression was used to model tree mortality of Larix based on the data from l31 diameter-class groups of l2 forest management inventory remeasured plots in Wangqing Forestry Bureau of Jilin Province .

  10. 阿木尔林业局森林资源动态预测S.D.模型

    S.D.Model on Dynamic Prediction of Forest Resources in A Mu Er Forestry Bureau

  11. 在生态方面,白河林业局森林生态系统的生态服务价值是很强的。其中,贮存CO2总量可达214.7×10~5吨,年固定CO2可达6.6×10~5吨;

    In ecological , the ecological service value of forest ecosystem is very strong in Baihe forestry bureau , in which the storage of CO2 may reach 214.7 × 105t and annual fixed CO2 may reach 6.6 × 105 t ;

  12. 文章首先提出伊春林区各林业局可持续能力综合评价与排序的指标体系,应用这一指标体系、并用类似模糊聚类分析的方法计算各林业局的可持续发展度(DSD)。

    Then Degrees of Sustainable Development ( DSD ) of each bureau are calculated with this index system and method of similar Fuzzy Cluster Analysis .

  13. 系统具有以下特点:①系统采用ASP+SQL构架,建立了以WEB和GIS为基础的B/S模式系统:②系统构建在网络基础上,可覆盖全国所有县、林业局和林场;

    The system has following characteristics : ? According to ASP + SQL , establish B / S mode on the base of WEB and GIS ; @ Because of instructing on the base of network , it can cover all forestry bureaus and forestry centers in our country ;

  14. 数字高程模型(DEM)生成的研究:(1)对塔河林业局1:50000的47张地形图用300dpi分辨率扫描、几何校正、矢量化并根据标准与规范中的要求进行图幅拼接;

    The Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) was developed : a ) 47 topographic maps of 1:5 0000 scale in Tahe forestry bureau were scanned by 300 dpi and the images were geometric corrected , vector .

  15. 国家林业局一位发言人表示,APP下属公司海南金海浆纸业有限公司(HainanJinhaiPulp&Paper)在收购国有资产过程中,并未依法对森林资源资产进行适当的评估。

    An SFA spokesman said that Hainan Jinhai Pulp & Paper , a unit of APP , had not had a proper valuation done on the Yunnan assets as required by law during the acquisition of state-owned assets .

  16. 完善森林模拟优化模型(FSOS),以白河林业局基础数据利用模型进行实证分析,评价不同经营管理措施下区域性种质资源总量动态及其未来资源价值变化潜势。

    In order to improve FSOS model , this paper makes empirical analysis to evaluate regional dynamic total of germplasm resources under different management measures and its changes of resources value in the future , based on the basis data of Baihe Forestry Bureau by using model .

  17. 东北过伐林区汪清林业局系统仿真

    System Simulation of Wangqing Forestry Bureau in Northeast Overcutting Forest Area

  18. 论国营林业局组织形式的改革

    Review on the reformation of the organization of State Forestry Bureau

  19. 国家林业局综合办公传输系统结构设计

    Structure Design of the SFA 's Integrated Office Information Transmission System

  20. 黄龙山林业局森林资源的现状及经营对策探讨

    Status of Forest Resources of Huanglong Mountains and Countermeasures for Management

  21. 东方红林业局森林经营方针与目标探讨

    Discussion on forest management policies and targets in Dongfanghong forestry bureau

  22. 浅谈国家林业局政府网的设计与建立

    Design and Establishment of the State Forestry Administration 's Government Website

  23. 延寿县林业局森林资源现状及今后经营的建议

    Forest Resources Status of Yanshou Forest Bureau and Advice to Future Management

  24. 国家林业局发展计划与资金管理司。

    Department of Development , Planning and Finance , SFA .

  25. 海伦市林业局森林分类区划界定

    The Ares Delimits of Forest Classification in Hailun Forestry Bureau

  26. 桦南林业局山野菜基地建设可行性研究

    A Feasible Study on the Potherb Base Construction in Huanan Forestry Bureau

  27. 雷州林业局桉树人工林地土壤微生物的分布规律

    The Distribution Law of Soil Microbes in Eucalyptus Plantations of Leizhou Forestry Bureau

  28. 海量三维数字模型在林业局局址建设与管理中的应用

    Application of Magnanimous Three-dimensional Digital Model in Forestry Bureau Site Construction and Management

  29. 依兰县林业局森林资源特点及经营措施

    Forest Resource Characteristics And Management Measure In The Forest Bureau Of Yilan County

  30. 对亚布力林业局庆阳林场土壤调查情况的分析

    Yabuli Forestry Bureau of Qingyang Forest soil survey analysis