
  • 网络the forest floor;ground layer;field stratum or ground stratum
  1. 随着林分密度的增加,乔木层营养元素的积累量逐渐增大,地被层所积累的营养元素量有减少的趋势。

    With the density increasing , nutrient accumulation quantities of arbor layer would increase , so opposite is the ground layer .

  2. 在已恢复的紫穗槐灌丛中,有乡土物种侵入,可以形成活地被层,灌草结合群落结构具有比单纯灌木或单纯草本结构更好的水土保持效果,群落结构也更稳定。

    Native species have invaded in Amorpha fruticosa shrub and form living ground layer . The effect shrub and grass communities structure on soil and water conservation is better than that of simply shrubs or pure herb structure , whose community structure is more stable .

  3. 群落垂直结构简单,只有灌木层、草本层和地被层;

    The vertical structure of the community is the shrub layer and grass layer and cover plant layer ;

  4. 苏南丘陵区主要森林类型地被层水源涵养功能研究

    Water Holding Function of Under forest Layer of Main Forest Types in Hilly Area of Southern Jiangsu Province

  5. 森林地被层有机物的聚集对于森林生态系的碳与养分的储存与循环具有重要性。

    Organic matter accumulation in forest floors is important for carbon and nutrient storage and cycling in forest ecosystems .

  6. 初始含水量、雨量和降雨强度是影响地被物层水分传输的主导因子。

    Initial water content , precipitation quantity and precipitation intensity are the major factors influencing water transport in litters and moss layer .

  7. 云杉林的碳库分布序列为土壤(0~100cm)>乔木层>灌木层>草本层>枯落物层>地被物层。云杉天然林分平均净生产总量为6838.5kg。

    Therefore , the carbon stocks are ordered : soil ( 0-100 cm ) > tree layer > shrub > herb > litter > duff .

  8. 发光光谱分析法测定氧化钇中微量铕2.大兴安岭林区平均每公顷的森林火灾受害面积,不同森林类型灌木层、草本层和地被物层释放的含碳气体量不同。

    Luminous Emission Spectroscopic Analysis of Trace Amounts of Europium in Yttrium Oxide 2 . The amounts of carbon-containing gas emission from understory vegetations and litter are different .

  9. 在同一植被类型内部结构特征的诸因子中,活地被物层的总盖度和草本层的生物量,是影响地表径流的主导因子:植被土壤对降水的调蓄功能,以混交林为最好。

    Among the factors of internal structural characteristics in the same vegetation type , the total coverage of the living ground layer and the biomass of the herbaceous layer are the leading ones affecting the surface runoff .

  10. 各种森林类型灌木层、草本层和地被物层的碳贡献以兴安落叶松林的最大为3715604.08t,樟子松林的碳贡献最小为302330.74t。

    Among 7 forest types , Larix gmelini forest and Pinus sylvestris forest have the largest and the least carbon contribution of understory vegetations and litter , the numbers are respectively 3 715 604.08 t and 302 330.74 t.