
dì tóu
  • Headland;edge of a field;destination;lower margin (of a page);this place or area
地头 [dì tóu]
  • (1) [edge of a field]∶田地的边缘

  • 小伙子们围坐在地头上

  • (2) [this place or area] 〈方〉∶当地;本地

  • 他初来乍到,地头儿生

  • (3) [destination] 〈方〉∶终点;目的地

  • 这列车怎么还不到地头儿?

  • (4) [lower margin (of a page)]∶书页下端的空白处

地头[dì tóu]
  1. 到了地头再说吧。

    Leave it until we arrive .

  2. CB电台网,好几亩带住房的郊区和一辆观光巴士。还有一个机器人地产经纪在地头乱逛,跟所有想买房子的人做生意。

    CB radio network , acres of housing suburbs , and a tour bus . A robot real estate agent roams around making deals with anyone who wants to buy a house .

  3. adv.个别地;各自地头奖,二奖,三奖分别颁给杰克,乔治和富兰克。

    respectively The first , second , and third prizes went to Jack , George , and Frank respectively .

  4. 我和贝特西一直退到了地头。

    Betsy and I retreated to the edge of the field .

  5. 那个农夫一直退到地头。

    The farmer retreated to the edge of the field .

  6. 提高地头水柜养鱼效益的技术措施

    Measures for raising efficiency of fish in water tank on the field

  7. 你觉着你是从长岛哪个地头来的?温布尔登?

    And what part of Long Island are you from , Wimbledon ?

  8. 小子,敢来我的地头玩?

    How dare you play on our turf , kid ?

  9. 你要出去,在我的地头上惹我不开心吗?

    You wanna go out there and diss me in my own hood ?

  10. 每个人几乎都要不时地头疼。

    Virtually everyone gets a headache now and then .

  11. 你地头熟悉,联系起来方便。

    You know the place well , so you can easily make contacts there .

  12. 在田间地头或是在工厂的车间;

    at farms and on factory floors ;

  13. 以利亚派人来我们地头上,他是要开战吗?

    Elias is sending his men to our house . He looking to start a war ?

  14. 在家里要炒几样菜,在田间地头劳动也要带上各种炒菜、炖菜。

    Even working on the fields , they like to bring fried and stewed dishes for lunch .

  15. 起源大多来自田间地头,受众性广泛,草根意味较多。

    Originated mostly from the fields , a broad audience of " grass roots " mean more .

  16. 桂西北大石山区地头水柜集雨灌溉工程发展探讨

    Approach to the Development of Rain-collecting Irrigation Project by Field Water Cellars in Rocky Mountainous Area of Northwest Guangxi

  17. 并不是说非赶牲口不可,而是一直到地头也没法勒住。

    No need of driving them . Why , we couldn 't hold them in when we got there .

  18. 在地头转弯时,碎土辊在地面上是可以的。

    When turning around on end rows , it is ok to leave the seedbed conditioner on the ground .

  19. 由于烟杆本身基本不具备价值,通常被丢弃于田间地头形成固体废弃物构成环境污染,或被晒干焚烧造成大气污染,这不仅破坏了生态环境,而且浪费了可供利用的资源。

    It is thrown away or burned for its no value , waste the usable resource and result environmental pollution .

  20. 如果你不放开他,我会不必要地,在你地头上使用警棍。

    I 'll be unnecessary use of my nightstick on your thick skull if you don 't let him go .

  21. 但是正当他要砍下乌龟地头时,看到那只龟在哭泣!

    But just as he was about to chop off its head , he saw that the Turtle was crying !

  22. 菲利普斯头戴曳地头纱,冠冕是母亲安妮公主借给她的。

    Phillips chose a cathedral-length bouffant veil held in place by a Greek Key tiara lent by her mother , Princess Anne .

  23. 水平换向双向犁与单向犁相比减少了地头的空行程大大提高了班次生产率;与翻转双向犁相比水平换向双向犁具有结构相对简单、震动小、整机重量小等特点。

    Level exchanged direction and double direction plough reduces the useless distance and improves working procedure efficiency compared with the single direction plough ;

  24. 不等别人来帮忙,他就把另两具尸体拖开,将第三个人拽到田边地头上。

    Without waiting for help , he pulled away the two corpses and dragged the third man to the side of the field .

  25. 在乡下,村民们常常把套套用作一次性盛水容器,田间地头,方便完以后洗手用再合适不过了。

    And in the countryside , villagers would use the condoms as disposable water containers to help them wash up after a bathroom break in the field .

  26. 现在,不仅专业团体,就连乡间地头、公园里到处都有民间组织的唱花灯的人们的影子。

    Now , not only professional groups , and even the rural edge of a farm , park , civil society organizations everywhere to sing lantern shadow people .

  27. 站在田间地头的一位农民也惊讶地抬望半空————他平生可能从未见过这类稀奇玩意儿。

    A peasant farmer stands in a field and watches - one presumes in amazement - a sight the likes of which he would never have seen before .

  28. 最后,提出了基于光电编码器的航位推测算法以实现地头转向功能,模拟测试结果表明,基于光电编码器的航位推测算法可满足农业机器人地头转向的工作要求。

    In the end , an optical-encoder-based Dead Reckoning algorithm was proposed to fulfill headland turn function , and simulated tests showed the algorithm could suffice for headland turn .

  29. 这个时候它们会开遍整个田间地头,更是遍及了每一个草木的空隙,或是三两株或是整黄的一片。

    This time they will be blooming throughout the fields , even over a grass gap for each , or several strains of flowers , or the entire yellow files .

  30. 每年夏天,山野里的开满了野花,山坡上,房前屋后,田边地头,一片一片的都是美丽。

    Every summer , the mountains full of wild flowers in the open , slope , surrounding their houses , Tanabe edge of a farm , one piece are beautiful .