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shén shè
  • shrine;Shinto shrine;place of worship;altar
神社 [shén shè]
  • [sacrificial place] 祭神之处

  1. 那里有座巨大的神社,供奉的是附近男体山(MountNantai)的神灵(进入神社前请脱鞋);

    There 's a large Shinto shrine to the god of nearby Mount Nantai ( shoes off , please , to go inside ) ;

  2. 我下榻于靠近神社的金谷酒店(KanayaHotel),一处古老的欧洲风格建筑。在空调发明之前,许多外国人和外交官都在夏天逃离湿热的东京,来此地避暑。

    I stayed close to the shrine and retired at night to the Kanaya Hotel , an old European-style place where expats and diplomats took holidays from steamy Tokyo in the days before air-conditioning .

  3. 在小村(Capala)的神社圣尊就诚恳的并且明确的让人理解宣布他将要放弃住世的意愿。

    And at the Little village ( Capala ) shrine the Blessed One thus mindfully and clearly comprehending renounced his will to live on .

  4. 去年四名部长在8月15日前往神道教神社。

    Last year four ministers visited the Shinto shrine on August 15 .

  5. 我还想去看看那儿的严岛神社。

    And I would like to visit the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine there .

  6. 日光主要寺庙和神社的门票是2200日元。

    Admission to the main Nikko temple and shrine is 2,200 yen .

  7. 所有神社和寺院都全年每日开放。

    The shrine and temple complex is open daily year-round .

  8. 小鸟总是带神社的花给我呢。

    WOMAN : And Kotori-chan always brings me flowers from the shrine .

  9. 这是神乐板有名的神社。这是座红色的神社。

    This is the famous shrine in Kagurazaka.This is the red shrine .

  10. 我看到一堆从神社里偷走的雕像。

    I see sacred statues stolen from the temples .

  11. 安倍上次参拜靖国神社是在2013年。

    Mr. Abe last visited the facility in 2013 .

  12. 日本方面表示参拜靖国神社是私人行为。

    Japan says the shrine visits were private .

  13. 哦,我听说过严岛神社。

    Oh , I 've heard of it .

  14. 试论日本古代的大陆移民系神社

    On Ancient Chinese Emigrant 's Jinja In Japan

  15. 安倍此举打破了七年来在任日本首相不亲自参拜靖国神社的惯例。

    The act broke an informal seven-year freeze on visits to Yasukuni by Japanese premiers .

  16. 安倍先生拒绝回答他在任职首相期间是否将参拜神社。

    Mister Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister .

  17. 今天天气好,我去了自己的家附近的神社看樱花。

    Today , I went to see the cherry blossoms in the shrine near my home .

  18. 从神社看日本帝国主义对内蒙古地区的文化侵略

    A Look at the Cultural Invasion of Japanese Imperialism and " Divine Societies " in Inner Mongolia

  19. 今年,在日本首相参拜靖国神社之后,地区局势更加紧张。

    This year tensions have heightened even further after Japan 's prime minister visited a controversial shrine .

  20. 日本神道教正式在东北设立神社,进行神道教活动始于日俄战争后。

    After Japan and Russia war , the Japan shrine officially established and shintoism activity began to spread .

  21. 自古以来,日本的佛教徒就常常在神社举行婚礼,神社办婚礼、寺庙办葬礼的情况是常有的事。

    In the past , most Japanese participated in various Shintoist or Buddhist ceremonies , weddings funerals Buddhist .

  22. 在日本,日光温泉几乎与那里的神社一样著名。

    In Japan , Nikko is almost as renowned for its nearby hot-springs resorts as for its shrine .

  23. 镰仓有多处寺庙、神社以及其它历史纪念碑。

    Sometimes called the Kyoto of Eastern Japan , Kamakura offers numerous temples , shrines and other historical monuments .

  24. 阿富汗人在马扎里沙鸽子饲料里沙里夫,阿富汗北部,星期四,2009年9月3日在阿里神社。

    Afghans feed pigeons at the Shrine of Hazrat Ali in Mazar-i-Sharif , northern Afghanistan , Thursday , Sept.3,2009 .

  25. 在侵华战争中,日本帝国主义利用神社对中国进行文化侵略。

    During World War II , Japanese Imperialists invaded Chinese culture with the creation of " Divine Societies " .

  26. 这座高3776米的火山四周环绕着湖泊、国家公园、寺庙及神社。

    The 3776-meter ( 12388-foot ) volcanic peak is ringed by lakes , national parks , temples and shrines .

  27. 神社是日本神道信仰的凝聚物,它扎根于日本民族生存发展的生活基层。

    Jinja is a coagulation of Japanese Shinto 's belief which took root in the basic life of Japanese nationality .

  28. 参拜靖国神社被认为是伤害日本侵略战争亚洲受害国人民感情的行径。

    Such gestures and visits to the shrine are seen as upsetting for Asian victims of Japan 's war-time aggression .

  29. 不过,中国国有媒体也对鸠山由纪夫承诺不参拜靖国神社的做法作出了积极回应。

    Still , Chinese state-controlled media has also responded positively to Mr. Hatoyama 's vow not to visit the war shrine .

  30. 现在日本许多结婚地点都有神社,方便那些想遵守日本传统婚礼习俗的新婚夫妻。

    Many of Japan 's wedding sites , therefore , provide shrines for couples who want to follow Japanese wedding traditions .