
dì zhǔ jiē jí
  • landlord class;squirearchy
地主阶级 [dì zhǔ jiē jí]
  • (1) [landocracy;the landlord class]∶通过占有土地剥削他人劳动并取得优越地位或权力的阶级

  • (2) [squirearchy]∶土地拥有者阶级,尤指有政治势力者

  1. 重农抑工商思想反映了新兴地主阶级的政治、经济要求。

    This theory reflects the landlord class ' economical and political require .

  2. 结束封建地主阶级的统治。

    Terminate the rule of the feudal landlord class .

  3. 清代后期地主阶级改革派对国际法的运用

    Landlord Reformists ' Application of the International Law in Late Qing Dynasty

  4. 文艺是为地主阶级的,这是封建主义的文艺。

    Literature and art for the landlord class are feudal literature and art .

  5. 地主阶级里头也是有派别的。

    The landlord class also consists of different factions .

  6. 地主阶级反对教育的普及。

    The landowning class opposed the spread of education .

  7. 法家是反映新兴地主阶级利益的思想流派。

    The thought of Legists reflected the interests of the emerging landlord class .

  8. 地主阶级和买办阶级。

    The landlord class and the comprador class .

  9. 近代国民性改造思想的萌芽&论地主阶级改革派的人心风俗思想

    The Seed of Thought on Modern Nationality Remoulding

  10. 民族资产阶级和帝国主义、地主阶级、官僚资产阶级不同。

    The national bourgeoisie differs from the imperialists , the landlords and the bureaucrat-capitalists .

  11. 护这种封建剥削制度的权力机关,是地主阶级的封建国家。

    The feudal landlord state was the organ of power protecting this system of feudal exploitation .

  12. 传统的战国新兴封建地主阶级说有违于历史真实。

    The theory of newly emerging landlord class in the Warring States Period does not hold water .

  13. 建立政权之后,农民起义军蜕化成新军阀、新地主阶级。

    After the establishment of peasant governments , the uprising troops degenerated to new warlords and landlords .

  14. 晚清地主阶级实干家周馥

    The Man of Action of the Landlord Class of Zhou Fu in Late Stage of Qing Dynasty

  15. 一些中小地主阶级的知识分子开始走上政治舞台。

    Learned persons belonged to the middle and small landlord class began to show in the stage of politics .

  16. 农村革命是农民阶级推翻封建地主阶级的权力的革命。

    A rural revolution is a revolution by which the peasantry overthrows the power of the feudal landlord class .

  17. 地权关系虽然有所变化,但是地主阶级依然占有相当数量的土地。

    Although the relationships of landowners owning land had changed , they still had a considerable number of land .

  18. 民族资产阶级没有地主阶级那样多的封建性,没有买办阶级那样多的买办性。

    The national bourgeoisie is less feudal than the landlord class and not so comprador as the comprador class .

  19. 他们既是中国古代知识分子的群体,又是地主阶级的重要组成部分。

    The two groups of people constitute the groups of intellectuals in ancient China and the majority of landlord class .

  20. 通过抗战前山东土地占有状况和封建剥削情况的介绍,反映了当时土地占有极端不合理,在地主阶级的剥削和压迫下,农民负担沉重。

    From the introduction of the land tenure and feudal exploitation , reflect the extremely unreasonable land tenure in Shandong .

  21. 不是别的,就是帝国主义和封建主义,就是帝国主义国家的资产阶级和本国的地主阶级。

    They are imperialism and feudalism , the bourgeoisie of the imperialist countries and the landlord class of our country .

  22. 士族是中国历史上一个具有深厚文化素养的特殊地主阶级文化阶层。

    Clan is a last a special landlord for having deep culture cultivated manners rank culture in Chinese history stratum .

  23. 这次起义打击了以蒙古贵族为首的封建地主阶级,使农民获得部分土地。

    It blew the feudal landlords with the Mongol gentry as the main force and the peasants got certain land .

  24. 特别是大地主阶级和大买办阶级,他们始终站在帝国主义一边,是极端的反革命派。

    The big landlord and big comprador classes in particular always side with imperialism and constitute an extreme counter-revolutionary group .

  25. 因此,作为阶级来说,地主阶级是革命的对象,不是革命的动力。

    Therefore , the landlords , as a class , are a target and not a motive force of the revolution .

  26. 对于南京国民政府时期的土地整理,大多数研究者把其失败的原因归结为地主阶级的反对这样带有很强情绪化的结论,而鲜有对其进行实证性的分析研究。

    Most researchers attribute the failure of the land checking in the period of Nanjing National Government to the landlords ' objections .

  27. 湖南地主阶级的武装,中路较少,西南两路较多。

    The armed forces of the landlord class were smaller in central Hunan than in the western and southern parts of the province .

  28. 它极大地促进了地主阶级政权统治的巩固,以及唐代文化的发展。

    It has greatly contributed to the consolidation of the regime of the landlord class , and cultural development of the Tang Dynasty .

  29. 这是因为民族资产阶级同地主阶级、买办阶级不是同一的东西,他们之间是有分别的。

    For the national bourgeoisie is not the same as either the landlord or the comprador class , there is a difference between them .

  30. 尽管地主阶级耍尽了诸如暗杀、美人计之类的种种阴谋诡计,然而这场斗争还是以他们的失败而告终。

    The rural possessing classes , despite their murders , their intrigues and the seductive activities of their women , had lost the battle .