
jiā shǔ
  • family members;dependents;kin;family dependents;folk
家属 [jiā shǔ]
  • [family members;family dependents] 除户主以外的家庭成员,也指职工本人以外的家庭成员

家属[jiā shǔ]
  1. 明天的晚会,家属也能够参加。

    Family members are also welcome at tomorrow 's party .

  2. 对放射性~(32)P敷贴治疗皮肤血管瘤患儿家属宣教的效果评价

    Evaluation of the effect of publicity to the family members of child underwent application of radioactive ~ ( 32 ) p treating skin angioma

  3. 降旗是出于对死者家属的尊重。

    The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family .

  4. 出于对丧失亲人家属的考虑,新闻记者没有到葬礼现场。

    Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family .

  5. 这个镇上的居民大部分都是汽车厂的工人及其家属。

    The town was peopled largely by workers from the car factory and their families .

  6. 投保人一旦死亡,该项保险将给其家属支付相当可观的保险金。

    The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death .

  7. 受害者家属说杀人犯被终身监禁是得到了他应有的惩罚。

    The family of the victim said that the killer had got his just deserts when he was jailed for life .

  8. 他们为一个旨在帮助军人家属的基金筹集捐款。

    They collected donations for a fund to help military families .

  9. 航空公司所投的保险公司有责任向受害者家属赔付损害赔偿金。

    The airline 's insurer is liable for damages to the victims ' families

  10. 尽管矿井的安全状况有了很大改善,矿工的家属仍然害怕最糟的情况会发生。

    Though mine safety has much improved , miners ' families still fear the worst

  11. 这笔补偿金能向矿工或遇难矿工的家属每人赔偿100,000美元。

    The compensation bill offers the miners or their survivors as much as $ 100,000 apiece .

  12. 他向这次事件中的死者家属表示了慰唁。

    He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident .

  13. 辩护律师仍然没有认可受害者家属补偿金支付的相关条款。

    Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims ' families .

  14. 在最后一刻,我给他们出了一个难题,说:“我们要带家属来。”

    At the last minute , I threw them a curve ball by saying , ' We 're going to bring spouses ' .

  15. 自他去世后,他的家属一直靠救济过日子。

    His family has been on relief ever since he died .

  16. 本诊所除给职工及其家属就诊外,还对外开放。

    The clinic is open to outsiders as well as employees and their families .

  17. 王进喜同志的这句豪言壮语,表达了大庆工人、干部和家属的雄心壮志。

    This heroic utterance by Comrade Wang Jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of Daqing and their families .

  18. 法官拒收被告家属的贿赂。

    The judge rejected a bribe from the defendant 's family .

  19. 我们得马上通知他的家属,告诉他们他的处境很危险。

    We 'll let his family know that he is in danger .

  20. 他的家属没跟他一起来。

    His family didn 't come with him .

  21. 政府为在事故中死亡者的家属提供赔偿。

    The government compensated the families of the men who were killed in the accident .

  22. 除此之外,它可能会改变患者家属的健康和生活。

    And beyond that , it might transform the health and lives of that patient 's family .

  23. 这个消息并未给悲痛的家属带来什么安慰。

    The news brought no solace to the grieving relations .

  24. 政府承诺只收留150名难民及家属。

    The government has agreed to take only 150 refugees plus their dependants .

  25. 大约有1200万流动工人带着家属居住在欧盟诸国。

    There are approximately 12 million migrants with their dependants living in the EU countries .

  26. (存活率可以让病人及家属了解将来康复的可能性有多大。)

    Survival rates can give patients and their families an idea of how likely they 're expected to recover in the future .

  27. 的确,就像每个高级腐败官员背后都有情妇一样,他们的周边也一定有“一双白手套”帮助他们的家属敛财和理财。

    Indeed , just as there are mistresses behind every corrupt senior official , there is also " a pair of white gloves " in the wings to help their families make their fortunes and manage them .

  28. HIV感染者/AIDS患者及家属的抑郁心理调查

    Investigation of Depressive Status of Patients with HIV / AIDS and Their Family Members

  29. HIV感染者/AIDS病人及其家属的生活质量调查及相关因素分析

    Survey of Quality of Life for HIV Infected People or AIDS Patients and Their Family Members

  30. 入住ICU患者的家属管理

    Communication with and management of the family members of patients in ICU