
  1. 在诗与画的文本间创造&谈林声的题画诗

    Creating between poem and painting & Discussion on poems written by Lin Sheng in own painting

  2. 林声的题画诗是其人格力量与生命情韵的集中显现,是形式美与内蕴美的统一。

    Poems written by Lin Sheng in painting display his personality and feeling , is the unification of form beauty and connotation beauty .

  3. 林中五月声

    In My Trees , Sounds of May

  4. 他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。

    He is awaken by the songs of birds in the trees .

  5. 林小姐猛然一声惊叫,就扑在她妈的身上。

    Miss Lin gave a frightened scream and threw herself on her mother 's bosom .