
  1. AC2030×01540型锡林针布的使用体会

    Using Experience of AC2030 × 01540 Cylinder Card Cloth

  2. 为提高生条质量,应用了AC2030×01540型锡林针布。

    AC2030 × 01540 cylinder card cloth was applied to enhance card sliver quality .

  3. 文章介绍了AC2525×01545型锡林针布的生产使用实践,分析了生条和成纱质量。

    Use testing practice of AC2525 × 01545 cylinder cloth in the production is introduced in this article with the carded sliver and the quality of the formed yarn analyzed .

  4. 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板前固定盖板针布隔距太紧或与锡林针布不平行。

    Very close setting of front plate or non-parallel setting .

  5. 加大精梳机锡林针密、降低针织纱棉结数的实践

    Practice of Reduction of Knitting Yarn Neps Increasing the Cylinder Teeth Density of Carding Machines

  6. 讨论了提高道夫针布转移能力的有效措施和高性能耐磨锡林针布的研制与开发方向。

    Some measurements of raising doffer clothing transfer ability and development direction of high property abrasion resistant cylinder clothing are discussed .

  7. 从实际工艺配置、质量水平、使用反映、国产高速锡林针布的试用等多方面作出实际运用与验证。

    Application and verification of domestic card clothing for high-speed cylin - ders are done in aspects of process , quality grade and after-service response .

  8. 文中并以抛光毛纺精梳机圆梳锡林针排针条为实例,详细介绍工艺方法,工作原理,工艺参数和工艺流程。

    Taking circular cylinder 's gill bar of woolen comber as an example , it des - cribes in details the technological chart process , working principle , flow chart and its parameters .

  9. 前固定盖板针布隔距太紧或与锡林针布不平行。以分钟计时的与时针和分针固定在同一个中心的秒针。

    Very close setting of front plate or non-parallel setting . a second hand that is mounted on the same center as the hour and minute hand and is read on the minutes .

  10. 采用优化工艺、试验对比、效果跟踪的方法,探索了加大精梳机锡林针密对纤维进行充分梳理的效果,达到降低针织纱棉结、杂质的目的。

    Approach is done into the effect of increasing the cylinder teeth density of carding machines for thorough carding of fiber through process optimization , contrast trials as well as effect tracing , consequently reducing neps and impurities .

  11. 全新世早期(12.0-9.0KaBP)高原东南部(104°-98°E)为落叶阔叶林/针阔叶混交林;

    During the early Holocene ( 12.0-9.0 ka BP ), deciduous broad_leaved forest / conifer and broad_leaved deciduous mixed forest were distributed in the east of Plateau ( 104 ° - 98 ° E ) .

  12. 最大荧光产量Fm表现为针叶林小于阔叶林小于针阔混交林,且针阔混交林分别与针叶林、阔叶林之间存在显著性差异,针叶林与阔叶林之间无显著性差异。

    Maximum fluorescence yield Fm performance that coniferous forest is less than the mixed forest and less than the needle . There was a significant difference between the needle leaf mixed forest , coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest respectively .

  13. AC2225×01545型锡林金属针布的特点及试用效果

    Features and Trials of AC2225 × 01545 Cylinder Metallic Wire Clothing

  14. 梳棉机锡林道夫针齿容量的计算

    Calculating the capacity of metallic card clothing between cylinder and doffer

  15. 雾灵山的森林群落类型(Ⅰ)&针叶林和针阔混交林

    Types of forest communities in Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve (ⅰ): needleleaved forest and theropencedrymion

  16. 叶片强度体现为针叶林小于阔叶林小于针阔混交林。

    Leaf blade strength is greater in mixed forest than the needle broad-leaved forest , broad-leaved forest than coniferous forest .

  17. 森林各地类组成及比例:全县森林面积123492.5ha,占林地面积的41.52%,以针叶林、阔叶林和针阔混交林为主,竹林、经济林面积很少。

    In coniferous forest , broad-leaved and coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest , bamboo forest , economy forest the area rarely .

  18. 研究结果表明,三峡库区缙云山自然保护区不同植被下枯落物持水能力为灌木林大于针阔混交林和阔叶林,楠竹林最小。

    So the result show that the water retention capacity of litter in different vegetations in Jinyun mountain natural protection district in the Three Gorges reservoir areas .

  19. 结合生态群落结构和生物多样性因素分析得出:在东部山区的适宜地区应大力推广培育沙松-落叶松-阔叶混交林等针阔混交林模式。

    A suggestion was given from the analysis on community structure and biological diversity that the mixed patterns of Abies holophylla-larch-broadleaf plantations should be popularized greatly at proper region in east Liaoning province .

  20. 阔叶林、针阔混交林物种多样性较高,植物种类组成较为丰富,结构较为复杂,群落的属种多样性科属多样性科种多样性。

    Broad-leaved forest , mixed coniferous high species diversity , plant species composition is relatively rich , more complicated structures , communities and species biodiversity families and genera of Diversity Section species diversity .

  21. 循化剖面孢粉记录的研究揭示出循化地区在渐新世末期上新世早期总体上代表一种暖温带、温带落叶、阔叶针叶林温带针阔叶混交林山地针叶林与干旱草原荒漠的植被生态景观演变过程。

    Xunhua Basin section of pollen records reveal in the late Oligocene-Miocene in general represent a northeastern warm , temperate deciduous broad-leaved coniferous forest - temperate mixed forest-coniferous forest and arid mountain desert steppe vegetation landscape evolution .

  22. 以浏阳为代表的丘陵红壤区,植被演替顺序为裸露红壤或稀疏灌草丛-以马尾松为主的针叶林-针阔混交林-常绿阔叶林,这一演替过程较为迅速。

    Represented in hilly red soil region of Liuyang , the vegetation succession order is bare soil or sparse vegetation , the coniferous forests dominated by Pinus massoniana , coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forest , evergreen broad-leaved forest .

  23. 在三个群落中,比叶面积表现为针叶林小于阔叶林小于针阔混交林,阔叶林和针阔混交林之问存在显著性差异。

    In three stages , the specific leaf area of mixed coniferous forest is less than broad-leaved forest , broad-leaved forest is less than the needle and there is significant difference between broad-leaved forest and mixed needle . 3 .

  24. 山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针阔叶混交林和黄山松纯林等是发育在同一气候垂直带条件下,主要由地形引起的土壤与小气候差异导致的植被斑块。

    The patches of evergreen broadleaved forest , mixed evergreen broadleaved and deciduous forest , mixed broadleaved and coniferous forest , and conifer forest are communities types formed in the same vertical climatic zone , differentiated by local habitat conditions that dominated by topography .

  25. 白颈长尾雉主要分布在海拔300米~800米的阔叶林和针阔混交林中,常栖息于坡度小于30度的地方,多出现在阳坡。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Elliot 's Pheasant mainly inhabit in the broad-leaved forest or the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest at an elevation of 300-800 meters , with a slope less than 30 degrees mostly on the sunward hillsides .

  26. 主要研究结果如下:1.在三个群落中,物种平均叶面积随着针叶林到针阔混交林到阔叶林的演替进展呈现增大趋势,且三个样方中均存在显著性差异。

    The main results are as follows : 1 . In three stages , the average leaf area in coniferous forest to mixed needle and broad-leaved forest succession progress showed a trend of increase and with significant differences in the three kinds of samples . 2 .

  27. 通过室内对贡嘎山未成熟针叶林、成熟针叶林、阔叶林以及针阔混交林4种植被的枯落物进行人工模拟降水试验,观测不同枯落物对降水的截流量和滞后时间效应的规律。

    In order to find the regularity of the interception mount and the time lag effect with different litter , four types of vegetation , such as immature coniferous forest , mature coniferous forest , broad-leaved forest and mixed coniferous forest , were chosen to modulate indoor artificial rainfall experiment .

  28. 针叶林为主的针阔混交林阶段(2100-1500aBP);

    Mixed conifer and broadleaved forest with priority of coniferous ( 2,100-1,500aBP );

  29. 梳棉机锡林道夫的针齿容量直接影响纤维的均匀、混合和转移能力。

    The capacity of metallic card clothing of cylinder and doffer in the cotton cylinder directly decides the ability of fiber 's transference , evenness and mixture ;

  30. 在不同的时间段内,不给予刺激或者给予他们泰诺林或者无针针灸或者用带电的针给予电灸。

    Over multiple sessions , they were either given nothing , or Tylenol , or needle-free acupuncture or electro-acupuncture , in which the needles carry a slight current .