
ɡuǒ lǐnɡ
  • green;putting green
  1. 球落在果岭了吗?

    Did the ball land on the green ?

  2. 在关天朗获得大师赛的资格后,狮子湖高尔夫球度假俱乐部的所有者JohnHo用低切草建造了一个练习果岭,达到与奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场的球速,并且只允许关天朗在上面打球。

    After Guan qualified for the Masters , Ho , the Lion Lake owner , built a practice green with low-cut grass to match the speed of Augusta National 's , and allowed only Guan to play on it .

  3. PrideSports是PrideGolfTee球钉、BlackWidowGrips握把以及Softspikes果岭叉的生产商,是全球最大的球钉生产商。

    PrideSports , makers of the Pride Golf Tee as well as Black Widow Grips and Softspikes , is the largest tee manufacturer in the world .

  4. 在多数极端的例子中,如RoyalDornoch的6号洞,球手必须考虑怎么在下一杆接近果岭,不然球就会通过同样的坡度回到自己的脚下。

    In the most extreme examples , such as the6th hole at Royal Dornoch , the player must then somehow get the next shot sturdily onto the green , or the ball will return to his feet via the same slope .

  5. 费用包括:18洞果岭费、球童费。

    Including : green fee for 18 holes 、 caddie fee .

  6. 高尔夫球场果岭边缘蛴螬集聚规律的研究

    A Study on the Grubs Assembling Around Green of Golf Course

  7. 保尔近穴击球,球落在了果岭靠近旗杆处。

    Paul chips approach shot onto green and close to flag .

  8. 请不要让您的钉鞋划坏了果岭。

    Please don 't let your spikes scratch the green .

  9. 果岭的风通常是从右边的缺口吹过来。

    The wind normally comes from right side , the6 th tee .

  10. 改进高尔夫果岭边沙坑球技术的实验研究

    A Study on the Improvement of Sand Pit Tech . in Golf

  11. 高尔夫球场果岭球速的影响因素研究进展

    The Research Progress of Influential Factors of Golf Ball Court Green Speed

  12. 呢处又系有两个果岭,要码数清楚最好问球僮。

    Two greens again , ask your caddy for yardage .

  13. 芝麻菜果岭中常用的沙拉和意大利面。

    Arugula greens are frequently used in salads and pasta .

  14. 先生,果岭左右两边都有沙池。

    Sir , there are bunkers on both sides of the green .

  15. 他的一个朋友扶着他走向果岭。

    One of his friends helped Sean walk up to the green .

  16. 修剪对高尔夫果岭坪表面光滑度的影响

    Effects of cutting on the smoothness of golf green surface

  17. 我根本不能再果岭上提起速度。

    I didn 't have the speed at all on the greens .

  18. 坪床结构对高尔夫果岭土壤物理性状的影响

    Effect of root zone structure on soil physical property of golf green

  19. 球员把临时球打上果岭。

    The player played the provisional ball onto the green .

  20. 对旗杆的俗称。指被放置于果岭上球洞边的细长杆。

    Pin-The tall narrow pole placed in the hole on the green .

  21. 当我们打27洞的果岭费是多少钱?

    How much are the green fees when we play27holes ?

  22. 周末若只打9洞,果岭费和球僮费仍按18洞计算;

    The Club only has an18-hole green fee and caddie fee at weekends .

  23. 尤其是我要打上果岭时。

    Especially when I knock it on the green .

  24. 而并没有在果岭上弹跳起来。

    It didn 't have that jump on it .

  25. 过多人使用果岭会破坏其娇贵的草坪。

    Too much use would ruin the delicate grass .

  26. 球洞攻略:要避开果岭左侧的沙坑。

    Hole strategy : Avoid the bunker on the left of the green .

  27. 他用定击法把球打上果岭。

    He pitched the ball on to the green .

  28. 不过别担心,我很少打到果岭的。

    Don 't worry though , I seldom make it to the green .

  29. 深圳高尔夫球场果岭草坪影响因素研究

    Study on the Effect Factor of ShenZhen Golf Green

  30. 他走得非常艰难,因为果岭要比发球处地势高些。

    It was a tough walk because the green was higher than the tee .