
guǒ zhī
  • fruit juice;ade;smoothie;must
果汁 [guǒ zhī]
  • [fruit juice] 用鲜果的汁制成的饮料

果汁[guǒ zhī]
  1. 在上面再加些果汁后,把它一口喝掉。

    Having added more fruit juice on top , drink it down in one draught .

  2. 请给我一杯果汁。

    Give me a glass of fruit juice , please .

  3. 果汁存放过久就会发酵。

    Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long .

  4. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。

    Fruit juices can be harmful to children 's teeth .

  5. 他摇了摇杯子里的果汁。

    He swilled the juice around in his glass .

  6. 快,把果汁喝完。

    Come on , drink up your juice .

  7. 这种果汁不含人工防腐剂。

    The juice contains no artificial preservatives .

  8. 这种果汁没有加糖。

    The juice contains no added sugar .

  9. 这种果汁没有加糖。

    This juice contains no added sugar .

  10. 有些果汁酸得很。

    Some fruit juices are very acidic .

  11. 最后,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得到处都是。

    Finally , making a dreadful mess , they devour the fruit

  12. 用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。

    Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve .

  13. 将粗麦粉浸于大约6个柠檬榨出的果汁中,浸泡整夜。

    Soak the couscous overnight in the juice of about six lemons .

  14. 果汁是通过离心力榨取的。

    The juice is extracted by centrifugal force .

  15. 儿童不应该喝纯果汁。

    Children should not drink fruit juices straight .

  16. 玛尔塔喝了一杯果汁。

    Marta drank a glass of juice .

  17. 如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。

    If you give your baby juice , dilute it well with cooled , boiled water

  18. “你有没有想过早上尝试新鲜的果汁?”他问道。

    " Have you thought about trying fresh juices in the morning ? " he asks her .

  19. 斯科特同意为孩子们尝试做更多的果汁,并制作真正的干酪酱通心粉。

    Scott agrees to try more fruit juices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese .

  20. 准备果汁挺快、挺简单的,你可以在前一天晚上把冷冻的水果拿出来,为第二天早上做准备。

    Juices are quick and easy to prepare , you can take the frozen fruit out the night before and have it ready the next morning .

  21. 一个4岁的孩子可能会抗议说,姐姐或妹妹喝的果汁更多。但其实果汁的量一样,只是杯子的形状不同。

    A 4-year-old may protest that a sister has more fruit juice when it is only the shapes of the glasses that differ , not the amount of juice .

  22. 然后尝试一个有趣的健康餐厅或新鲜果汁吧!

    Then try a fun healthy restaurant or fresh juice bar !

  23. 他们有一些苹果,一块三明治和一瓶果汁。

    They got apples , a sandwich and a bottle of juice .

  24. 一组研究人员训练了三只恒河猴,让它们将26个明显不同的符号(包括数字和选择性字母)与0-25滴水或果汁联系起来作为奖励。

    A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or juice as a reward .

  25. 如果猴子触摸屏幕的左侧,他们将得到7滴水或果汁的奖励;如果他们去碰圆圈,他们将得到数字的总和——在这个例子里是17。

    If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice ; if they went for the circle , they would be rewarded with the sum of the numbers — 17 in this example .

  26. JOMO其实就是戒除社交瘾,跟九日果汁排毒的理念相同。

    JOMO is a social detox , the equivalent for the mind of the nine-day juice cleanse2 .

  27. 服务员,再要一杯果汁。

    Hello , Could I have one more cup of juice ?

  28. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。

    Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time .

  29. 这台机器能挤出更多的果汁。

    This machine helps you to squeeze more juice out .

  30. 新鲜果汁同样可以清洁你的身体,并对黑眼圈同样有抑制作用。

    Fresh fruit juices can also cleanse your body and reduce dark circles .