
  1. 由于西枝江大桥为15°角斜交的35m组合T梁,故务必将传统正交架桥机加以技术改造,以适应90t级35m斜交架梁施工。

    Because the Xizhi River Bridge is a 35 m flitch T beam with 15 ° skew angle , the traditional orthogonal bridge girder erection machine must be reformed to adapt to oblique erecting beam construction .

  2. 深圳供水水源工程西枝江抽水站取水口设计

    Water Intake Design of Xizhi River in Water Supply Project of Shenzhen

  3. 广惠高速西枝江大桥斜交架梁施工

    Oblique erecting beam construction of Xizhi River Bridge in Guang-hui express highway

  4. “枝江杯”首届全国品酒技能比赛点评

    Review of the first national wine-tasting skill competition " zhijiang cup "

  5. 枝江市义务教育机会均等问题研究

    Research on Equal Opportunity of the Compulsory Education in Zhijiang

  6. 西枝江水域环境保护对策研究

    Study on the enviromental protection countermeasures of Xizhi River Basin

  7. 中心村建设条件评价问题研究&以湖北省枝江市为例

    Study on the Condition Evaluation Problems of Central Village Construction

  8. 长江枝江段江口洲沙体的非均质性

    Anisotropism of Sand Bodies of Jiangkou Island in Zhijiang Reach of Yangzi River

  9. 枝柳(枝江&柳州)铁路线张家界段线域地质灾害评估

    Assessment on geology hazard of the Zhangjiajie in Zhi-Liu ( Zhijiang-Liuzhou ) Railway

  10. 人工老窖泥在枝江大曲酒生产中的应用

    Application of Artificial Aged Pits Mud in the Production of Zhijiang Daqu Liquor

  11. 农村居民点用地潜力分析&以枝江市为例

    Potential Analysis of the Land Use in Rural Residence

  12. 香型淡化后的枝江大曲酒工艺实验及调整研究

    Research on Brewing Technology and Process Adjustment of Zhijiang Daqu after Flavor Weakening

  13. 长江中游枝江-江口河段敏感性试验及整治思路探讨

    Sensitivity test and regulation idea of Zhijiang-Jiangkou section at the midstream of the Yangtze River

  14. 多粮型白酒生产工艺在枝江大曲酒生产中的初步运用

    Preliminary Utilization of the Technology of Multiple-grains Liquor in the Production of Zhijiang Daqu Liquor

  15. 三峡蓄水后枝江-江口水道演变趋势初步分析

    Preliminary analysis on the Zhijiang-Jiangkou channel evolution trend after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Project

  16. 从枝江大曲酿造微生物状态看产品质量风格的形成

    Analysis of the Formation of Quality Style of Zhijiang Daqu Liquor on the Basis of Fermentation Microbes

  17. 楚都丹阳丹淅说与枝江说的对比研究

    A Comparative Study of " Danxi Theory " and " Zhijiang Theory " of Danyang , Capital of Chu

  18. 腹股沟斜疝主要集中在夷陵、枝江和长阳,佝偻病主要集中在秭归。

    The oblique inguinal hernia mainly occurred in Yiling , Zhijiang and Changyang regions , and rickets mainly in Zigui region .

  19. 农户农业科技采用及影响因素的实证分析&以湖北襄樊、枝江两市农户调查为例

    Farmers in Agricultural Science and Technology Adoption and Empirical Analysis of Impact Factors & A Case Study of Xiangfan and Zhijiang Two Cities in Hubei Province

  20. 另外,采用一种吸氧瓶盖可以降低酒液中的氧气浓度,从而延长枝江大曲成品酒的货架期。

    In addition , using a sort of oxygen-adsorbed bottle cap can reduce the oxygen concentration in liquors , thus extending the shelf life of Zhijiang Daqu .

  21. 本文在现代企业人力资源管理理论基础之上,对铁路基层站段&枝江机务段的人力资源管理进行了全面细致的分析。

    The paper makes a overall and careful analysis of railway basic unit section & the manpower resources management of Zhijiang depot under the foundation of modern enterprise 's manpower resources management theory .

  22. 枝江大曲酒属浓香型白酒,产品特点为窖香、曲香秀雅,口味绵甜、甘爽,后味悠长,酒体丰满,个性明显。

    Zhijiang Daqu Liquor belongs to Luzhou-flavor liquor series with its characteristics as " pit aroma , elegant flavor , enjoyable taste , long after taste , mellow liquor body , and distinct individuality " .