
  • 网络cladocera;cladocerans;Daphnia
  1. 枝角类RAPD条件优化和遗传多样性分析

    Optimization of RAPD conditions and analysis of genetic diversity of Cladocera

  2. 此外,还讨论了浮游生物对盐度、碱度和pH的适应性、内陆盐水生物资源的渔业利用以及利用盐水或耐盐性淡水枝角类作为海水鱼苗活饵料的前景。

    Adaptability of plankton to the salinity , alkalinity and pH value , fishery exploitation of biological resources in inland saline waters and use of halophiles or salt tolerant freshwater cladocera as live food for marine fish larvae were discussed .

  3. 水溞(Daphnia)属于甲壳纲、淡水枝角类的浮游水生动物,广泛分布于世界各地,是水生食物链中的关键生物。

    Daphnia ( Cladocero : crustacea ), an important animal of the diet for many fish , is widespread in the world and has a critical role in aquatic ecology chains .

  4. 甲壳动物的生殖量与环境关系Ⅰ.枝角类

    Reproductive Capacity of Crustacea in Relation to the Environment , I.Cladocera

  5. 河南省枝角类区系与培养

    Area and Culture Study of Cladocera from Henan Prov in ce

  6. 三种淡水枝角类海水驯化的比较研究

    Comparative study on seawater taming of three kinds of freshwater cladoceras

  7. 枝角类和桡足类是淡水浮游动物的主要组成部分。

    Cladocerans and copepods are two important components in freshwater zooplankton .

  8. 枝角类不但生殖方式特殊,还是一类重要的水生经济动物。

    Cladocera was also a kind of important economic aquatic animal .

  9. 淡水枝角类和轮虫生态及批量培养技术的研究

    Study on the Ecology and Batch Culture of Cladocera and Rotifer

  10. 枝角类适种探索和休眠卵的利用

    Exploration on Suitable Species of CLadocerans and Utilize of Their Resting Eggs

  11. 三种枝角类的实验生物学和急性毒性试验

    The biological characteristics of three cladocerans and acute toxic test

  12. 优势种为轮虫类和枝角类,这此种类极耐有机污染,耐低溶氧。

    These species could tolerate the organic pollution and low dissolved oxygen .

  13. 水库中枝角类种群数量变化与环境因子的关系

    Relationship between the Population Change of Cladocera in Reservoir and Environmental Factors

  14. 中国枝角类(甲壳纲:双甲目)雄体的新记录和新资料

    New records and new materials of male Cladocera from China

  15. 杭州地区五类型水域枝角类的种类及其分布

    Distribution of Cladocera in Five Fresh-water Bodies at Hangchow

  16. 枝角类11属15种,占总种数的16.85%;

    15 species of Cladocera ( 16.85 % );

  17. 稳定塘中枝角类的生物指示作用

    Bio indicating function of Cladocera for stabilization ponds

  18. 长春市淡水枝角类的研究

    Studies on the Cladocera from Freshwaters in Changchun

  19. 两广枝角类新纪录

    New records of Cladocera from Guangdong and Guangxi

  20. 对枝角类的研究始于18世纪初,早期关于枝角类的报道仅限于外部形态描述。

    The early reports on Cladocera were limited in the description of the external morphology .

  21. 许多重要的变化被发现在轮虫,枝角类和桡足类群体的组成中。

    Several significant changes were found in the composition of the rotifer , cladoceran and copepod assemblages .

  22. 随着滤食性鱼类密度的上升,枝角类的密度从60年代至90年代显著下降。

    With increased filter feeding fishes in the lake , the densities of cladocerans and calanoids decreased remarkably .

  23. 定性样品中只对枝角类和挠足类作分析鉴定,结果共发现70余种。

    Qualitative analysis is mainly put on the Cladocera and Copepoda from which over seventy species have been found .

  24. 结果表明,该种枝角类的卵是均等分裂的,并具有螺旋卵裂的特点。

    The research shows that the eggs of M.i-crasa are equal cleavage and have the characteristic of spiral egg cleavage .

  25. 山东省淡水枝角类及一属、种新记录和华北区23种新记录

    Freshwater cladocera and one new general , species record in Shandong province and 23 new species records in North China

  26. 主要摄食轮虫和枝角类,对水蚯蚓和人工配合饲料不喜食。

    The eccentric and angiogram were the main food for them , they did not like to eat water earthworm and diet .

  27. 在所有浮游动物中桡足类31种,其次为水母类,有9种,此外,枝角类、毛颚类各8种。

    The zooplankton community composed of 31 species copepod , 9 species of medusae , and 8 species of both cladocera and chaetognatha .

  28. 在大型浅水湖泊,沉积物再悬浮频繁、剧烈,即使降低食浮游动物鱼类数量,大型枝角类可能还是难以恢复。

    Even if the number of filter-feeding fish is reduced , large Cladocera may be still difficult to be restored due to sediment resuspension .

  29. 浮游动物27种,其中原生动物4种、轮虫8种、枝角类5种、桡足类10种。

    27 species of zooplankton were found , with 4 in Protozoa , 8 in Rotifera , 5 in Cladocera and 10 in Copepoda .

  30. 报告了对哈尔滨地区40多处水域中淡水枝角类的调查结果。

    The paper reports the results of an investigation on the freshwater cladocera , which living in more than 40 water points from Harbin area , northeast China .