
  • 网络Eucalyptus citriodora;Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.f.;E.citriodora;Lemon Eucalyptus
  1. 柠檬桉叶油的主要成分是香茅醛。

    The main component of eucalyptus citriodora oil is citronellal .

  2. 在改性骨架镍催化剂上柠檬桉叶油选择加氢制备香茅醇

    Making citronellol from Eucalyptus citriodora oil by means of selective hydrogenation in the presence of modified Raney Ni catalyst

  3. 柠檬桉水泥刨花板若干工艺因子的研究

    A Study on some factors of cement-bonded particleboard manufactured by lemon eucalyptus

  4. 柠檬桉木材中二氧化硅的分布和含量的测定

    The Distribution and Content of Silica in Lemon Eucalyptus Wood

  5. 柠檬桉叶油对室内空气消毒效果的观察

    Disinfection Efficacy of Lemon Eucalyptus Oil on Indoor Air

  6. 以柠檬桉叶油为主要原料经环化、催化氢化二步反应得到薄荷醇。

    Menthol was obtained from lemon eucalyptus oil via cyclization and catalytic hydrogenation .

  7. 广东柠檬桉袋蛾新属种记述(鳞翅目:袋蛾科)

    Description of a new bagworm moth injury lemon scented gum from Guangdong ( lepidoptera : psychidae )

  8. 柠檬桉叶挥发油抑制小鼠大肠癌的初步实验观察

    A Preliminary Observation on the Antineoplastic Action of the Volatile Oil from Eucalyptus Citriodora on Experimental Colonic Cancer in Mice

  9. 研究表明柠檬桉叶单宁为鞣花单宁类化合物,并有较多的C-甙类鞣花单宁,这类单宁系首次从桉树属植物发现。

    It showed that tannins in E. citriodora leaf are of ellagitannins and the C-glycosidic ellagitannins are first isolated from Eucalyptus species .

  10. 结果表明:柠檬桉的初期开裂、内部裂纹、截面变形、扭曲变形和干燥速度分别为3~4、2~3、3、2级和4级;

    The results show that the classes of the initial check , the honeycomb , the cross section deformation , the twist deformation , the drying rate are 3-4,2-3,3,2,4 and 3,3 - 4,5,3,4 for E.