
  • 网络Justinian Plague;Plague of Justinian
  1. 研究视角与史料&查士丁尼瘟疫研究

    Research Angles and Historical Materials & A Case Study of Justinian Plague

  2. 第一部分介绍了雅典瘟疫、古罗马五次大瘟疫以及查士丁尼瘟疫的流行概况。

    The first part expounds the situation of the Athens plague , five plagues of ancient Rome , the Justinian plague .

  3. 论文作者们相信查士丁尼大瘟疫要么是由现在已不存在于人体的一种完全不同的鼠疫杆菌引起的,要么就是一种完全不同的疾病而和现代淋巴腺鼠疫完全无关。

    The authors of the paper believe that these outbreaks were either caused by a completely different variety of Y. pestis , not now present in humans , or were of a different disease altogether , and therefore cannot be linked to modern cases of bubonic plague .

  4. 该论文也提出现存的所有鼠疫杆菌菌株都可以追朔到黑死病,而不是像之前所认为的来源于六到八世纪先后数次席卷欧洲的查士丁尼大瘟疫。

    The paper also suggests that every existing strain of Y.pestis can be traced to the black death , and not to the plague of Justinian , a series of epidemics which hit Europe in the sixth , seventh and eighth centuries , as had been previously thought .

  5. 查士丁尼也在这次瘟疫中受到了传染,但最后却幸存了下来。

    Justinian himself was one of the few infected by the plague who , in the end , survived .