
  • 网络Chagos Archipelago;Chagos Islands;Chagos islanders;Chagos
  1. 坦桑尼亚和塞舌尔看起来像是亚达伯拉附近的一个地区,同时毛里求斯声称轮罗德里格斯岛就是该国领土的一部分,该岛包括查戈斯群岛。

    Tanzania and the Seychelles look like falling out over an area near Aldabra , and Mauritius has claimed an area round Rodrigues island that includes the Chagos archipelago .

  2. 在印度洋上的热带岛屿查戈斯群岛上,鸟叫声遍布这个无鼠地带。

    On the tropical Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean , this is the sound of rat-free territory – teeming1 with birdlife .

  3. 英国政府在查戈斯群岛附近建立起世界上最大的海洋生物保护区。

    The UK government has created the world 's largest marine reserve around the Chagos Islands .