
  • 网络Liu's;Clan Liu
  1. 家族文化是中国古代文化存在的一种重要形式,河东柳氏在唐代形成了具有鲜明特征的家族文化。

    Family culture is an important aspect of ancient Chinese culture . Clan Liu formed a special family culture .

  2. 唐代河东柳氏家族文化述略

    Some Remarks on the Culture of Clan Liu in Hedong in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 将CTA对颅内主要动脉的显示率与柳氏测得的MRA的类似数据进行比较。

    The display rate were compared with that of MRA .

  4. 柳芳是唐朝中期著名的史学家,出身名门,属河东柳氏。

    Liu Fang is the famous historian in the middle of Tang dynasty .

  5. 柳氏人物重视孝义,宗族意识不断强化。

    The Lius attached importance to filial duties and the sense of clan was constantly strengthened .

  6. 第一节着重分析了柳氏对天台宗的投契及天台宗在柳诗中的反映;

    The first section analyzed Liu 's relation with Tian Tai Sect and the reflection of in Liu 's poem ;

  7. 从旅游本身,到动物的图形,矢柳氏炫目的作品展现了他的旅程与日本文化传统的融合。

    From traveling itself to the patterns of wildlife , Yayanagi 's effervescent works reveal the combined influences of his voyages and his Japanese heritage .

  8. 这一无奈之举都源自他被贬永州后的生活状况和光耀柳氏家族以及“利安元元”的经国济世思想。

    This reluctant action originated from his living state in Yong Zhou and the deep-rooted thought of honoring the Liu family and " providing the citizens peaceful life " .

  9. 矢柳氏是一位在油画、版画、壁画(公共建筑物)以及设计等广阔的艺术领域内活跃于国际舞台之上的艺术家。

    Working across a diverse range of fields including oil painting , printmaking , murals for public buildings and design , Yayanagi is an artist who continues to produce work at an international level .

  10. 河东柳氏家族是刘宋时期新起的雍州地方武力强宗,奠定其家族基业的第一位关键人物是柳元景。

    The Hedong ( a part of today 's Shanxi Province ) Liu clan rose as a local power known for its military might in Yongzhou during the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties .

  11. 为了追寻更广阔的自然及生命的起源,矢柳氏于廿四岁那年开始了为期两年的旅程。他周游地中海、巴西,更为著艳阳到过非洲。

    Determined to pursue greater natural expanses and the origins of life , at age24 Yayanagi embarked on a two year journey through the Mediterranean , Brazil , finally chasing the sun to Africa .

  12. Vogt-小柳-原田氏病临床特征分析

    Clinical analysis on early diagnosis of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome