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  • 网络elegant music;classical music
  1. 希望从中国文化入手,为高雅音乐在中国的普及和发展做出一些帮助。

    Want to start from the Chinese culture , to make some help for the popularization and development of classical music in China .

  2. 经过十几年市场化运作的发展,目前北京高雅音乐演出市场培育方法积累丰富。

    After more than ten years ' marketization , Beijing has accumulated a great amount of methods to develop performance market of classical music .

  3. 高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。

    Fine music , particularly opera , has become aspirational , like fine wine or foreign travel .

  4. 对当前推广高雅音乐的理性思考

    Rationally Pondering on the Popularizing Elegant Music in Current Society

  5. 社会的进步要求具有先进文化品位的高雅音乐必须服务于大众。

    It is a social need that the elegant music should serve the masses .

  6. 先前我们曾对民间音乐、流行音乐与高雅音乐相互间的关系进行过分析;

    We have earlier considered the relationships of folk , popular , and art music ;

  7. 在中国古代音乐中,古琴一直是高雅音乐的代表。

    The art of ancient lute is the most grace case in the history of Chinese ancient music .

  8. 因此,在世界范围内赞助支持顶级艺术盛事、为高雅音乐爱好者提供尊贵的文化盛宴成为奥迪的一贯传统。

    And accordingly , sponsoring top art events and offering exquisite music lovers prestigious culture banquet have been Audi 's cherished tradition .

  9. 虽然并不成熟,但是北京、上海、深圳、天津等大城市高雅音乐演出市场的赞助活动已经初具规模。

    Although is not mature , the classic music performance sponsorships in Beijing , Shanghai , Shenzhen , Tianjin and so on big urban began to take shape .

  10. 第四部分是针对实际情况,依据新课程的理念,提出培养中学生健康、高雅音乐兴趣的对策与建议。

    Part Four raises strategies and suggestions about cultivating healthy and elegant music interests of middle school students aiming at practical situation according to the concepts of new course .

  11. 实践证明,常以健康音乐、高雅音乐为伴,能使人精神振奋,提高审美情趣,形成良好的审美意识。

    It is proved by the practice that one can refresh himself , improve his aesthetic interest , and shape his healthy aesthetic consciousness if he always keeps himself in the environment of healthy and elegant music .

  12. 格调高雅的音乐,让人获得高尚的美感。

    Music in elegant taste gives people a noBle feeling of Beauty .

  13. 我认识的最快乐的人,他们思想开放、敢于冒险;他们会利用闲暇时光来提升心智,热爱高雅的音乐、有深度的书籍、精美的画作、杰出的工作伙伴还有睿智的谈话。

    20.The happiest people I know keep an open mind to new ideas and ventures , use their leisure time as a means of mental development , and love good music , good books , good pictures , good company and good conversation .

  14. 高雅经典的音乐,训导师着销售经理制服站直,微笑。

    Classic music and the trainer is in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile .

  15. 艺术歌曲这一体裁以其创作的专业性、形式的伴奏与声乐的并重性、内容的文学性、风格的幽雅性而成为一种具有鲜明个性、深刻寓意和高雅格调的音乐艺术形式。

    Art songs , with its professional composition , duality of form accompaniment and the vocal music , literary contents and graceful style , has developed into a kind of music style with distinctive features , profound connotation and gracious elegance .