
  • 网络gao xingjian
  1. 高行健的叛逆精神是宝贵的财富。

    The rebel spirit of Gao Xingjian is valuable wealth .

  2. 中国话剧艺术经过高行健的探索已很难再简单地称为话剧。

    After the efforts of Gao Xingjian , it is very hard to call Chinese drama language art .

  3. 《野人》:生态戏剧的经典之作&高行健剧作《野人》的生态解读

    Savage : classic of the eco-drama

  4. 另外也有评者认为,高行健获奖是世界对现代汉语创作的肯定。

    Others have even regarded it as a " global affirmation for authors using the Chinese language " .

  5. 高行健的作品包括十八部戏剧,两部长篇小说,和其他数量可观的中短篇小说。

    Gao Xingjian 's literary output comprises eighteen plays , two great novels , and a number of stories , which all fit in one volume .

  6. 去年10月12日,高行健获颁2000年诺贝尔文学奖的消息传开后,全球华人世界一片喧哗。

    Chinese all over the world were excited when news spread on Oct 12 last year that Gao Xingjian has won the Nobel Literature Prize 2000 .

  7. 高行健的三幕戏剧《野人》,可以说是20世纪中国戏剧史上生态戏剧的经典之作。

    Three-scene drama Savage of Gao Xingjian 's can be said to be the classic of the eco-drama in the Chinese drama history of the 20th century .

  8. 高行健获诺贝尔文学奖,为诺贝尔文学奖的20世纪持不同政见获奖系列增添了最后一个社会主义阵营的逃亡者。

    That Gao Xin-jian was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature has added the last fugitive of the socialist camp to the series of awarded dissented writers in the 20th century .

  9. 诺贝尔文学奖获得者高行健写了一个剧本《六月雪》,用现代的方式重现了五祖弘忍与六祖慧能之间的禅门公案。

    Gao Xingjian , the winner of Nobel Literature Prize had written a drama named Snow in June , in which he reproduced the Zen case between Fifth Zen Patriarch Hongren and Sixth Zen Patriarch Huineng .

  10. 高行健作为我国新时期戏剧史上不可忽略的一名戏剧艺术探索者,在戏剧理论和实践方面都建树颇丰。

    In the new era of Chinese drama history , Gao Xingjian , the explorer in theatre arts , played as an indispensable role within the period , who both made great accomplishment in dramatic theories and practice .

  11. 通过“显一隐”的小说文本经纬的展现,形成泾渭分明的高行健长篇小说的文本结构问题的系统研究。

    To this end , through " explicit-implicit ", the text of the novel , latitude and longitude of the show , sharply different form the text of Gao Xingjian 's novel , the systematic research of structural .