
  1. 从电影影像的本性来看,纪实性和奇观性并不相悖,在电影的发展中,两者相辅相成,共同为电影影像艺术正确的表达服务。

    In the nature of the film image , the realism and the marvelous spectacle do not contradict , but complement one another , serve together for the correct expression of the film image art in the film development .

  2. 电影本身就是一门隐喻式的艺术,隐喻是电影的本性所在。

    Movie is just a metaphoric art and the metaphor is the natures of it .

  3. 电影需要故事,不应在淡化情节的喧嚣中迷失电影的本性。

    A film does need a story and should not lose its nature in the clamor of " making the film 's plot fade " .