
liǔ xù
  • catkin;willow catkin
柳絮 [liǔ xù]
  • [willow catkin] 成熟的柳树的种子,上面有白色绒毛

柳絮[liǔ xù]
  1. 我是一朵柳絮。

    I 'm a willow catkin .

  2. 通过语言传递的祝祷不像柳絮,它的形态接近河流中的石头,时隐时现。

    Benedictory prayer being delivered by words is unlike catkin , and its form is similar to the stones in river , flickering in view .

  3. 柳絮在空中飞舞。

    Willow catkins are fluttering in the air .

  4. 瞧,黄色的柳絮已经缀满所有纤长的柳树枝杆;

    See the yellow catkins cover all the slender willows over ;

  5. 颠狂柳絮随风去,轻薄桃花逐水流!

    Willow catkins to the wind , light peach blossoms by water !

  6. 待柳絮落尽,夏天也就到了。

    When all catkins fall , summer will get in .

  7. 微风拂过,飞舞的柳絮仿佛是漫天的雪花。

    When a breeze blows , catkins are flying into the air like snow .

  8. 他们是闻甜的新金属性碳丝和柳树柳絮花的第一。

    They are the first to smell the sweet new grasses and the willow catkins .

  9. 爱的丝也如四月的柳絮一般飞舞着,迷乱着我们的眼,雪一般覆盖着视线。

    The silk of love is just like the willow in April with its snow-like flowers seducing our eyes .

  10. 那一天,北京的天空中飞扬着柳絮,如雪,亦如我所追寻的预言。

    On that day , catkins were flying in the air of Beijing , like snow , also like the presage in my pursuit .

  11. 一些过敏体质的人,遇到花粉,柳絮,灰尘等,也都会造成过敏感性肌肤发红,脱皮,发痒。

    Some people allergy encountered pollen , catkins , dust and so on , also have sensitive skin can cause redness , peeling , itching .

  12. 我也向往像漫天飞雪一样的柳絮在随风的飘向一个我从来都没去过的地方。

    I also aspire to the same catkin , as filled the snow drifting in the wind 's no one I have never been to a place .

  13. 这几天,西湖边、运河边,微风一起就能看到漫天的柳絮飘飘。

    The past few days , by the Westlake and by the canals , with a gentle breeze you can see the whole sky fill with willow fuzz .

  14. 溯往昔,愁苦之人如柳絮飘飞难以记数,而为什么每一个都难逃孤单。

    The early times , if the person of the sorrow bitterness the willow catkins floats damnation to record a number , but why each all difficult escape loneliness .

  15. 三月的微风,湖水是她灵动的双眸,闪动着粼粼的的光波,在杨花柳絮间穿梭,把希望的嫩芽洒落。

    March of the breeze , the lake is her Smart eyes , sparkling with the light flashing in the shuttle between Yanghwa catkins , the buds of hope spilled .

  16. 也许我太伤感过去有灰色雨季夏天有悲观,但我已很愉快春天,万物复苏的春天柳絮内!

    Perhaps I was too sad past , there were gray rainy season , there have been gloomy summer But now I have a pleasant spring , the spring catkins dance Inside reviving everything !

  17. 在北方不少城市,这几年开始使用一种能够给柳絮“结扎”的药剂,当年注入树身,能够抑制下一年的飞絮生成。

    In the past few years , many northern cities have begun to use a " restricting medicine " which when they inject into the willow trees will prevent the production of the flying willow fuzz .