
  • 网络Jean Liu
柳青 [liǔ qīng]
  • [Liu Qin] (1916-1978) 陕西省吴堡县人,现代作家,主要作品有《创业史》、《铜墙铁壁》等

  1. 今年5月,柳青获得了来自苹果(Apple)的10亿美元投资——这是一罕见之举标志着这家iPhone制造商对滴滴的认可。

    In May , Ms Liu won a $ 1bn investment from Apple - a rare mark of approval from the iPhone maker .

  2. 最值得注意的是,科技公司的女企业家们经常会出现在该榜单之上,包括携程网的CEO孙洁以及滴滴出行的总裁柳青。

    Most notably , businesswomen in tech-business made frequent appearances on the list , including Sun Jie of Ctrip.com International , and Liu Qing , president of Didi Chuxing .

  3. 在滴滴总裁柳青(JeanLiu)的陪同下,他乘坐一辆滴滴汽车前往第一个目的地,位于北京王府井购物区的一家苹果商店。

    He took a Didi car to his first destination , an Apple store in Beijing 's Wang-fujing shopping district , accompanied by Jean Liu , the Chinese company 's president .

  4. 去年9月,滴滴快的(现更名为滴滴出行)总裁柳青(JeanLiu)的棘手任务是,解释该公司为何在与优步(Uber)的补贴大战中亏损巨额资金,而且这种状况看不到结束的迹象。

    Last September , Jean Liu , president of Didi Kuaidi ( now Didi Chuxing ) , had the unenviable task of explaining why it was losing huge amounts of money in a subsidy war with Uber , with no end in sight .

  5. 滴滴快的总裁柳青(JeanLiu)去年9月表示:“不烧钱我们走不到今天这一步。”该公司董事长程维表示,去年滴滴快的花费40亿美元进行“市场培育”。

    Jean Liu , Didi 's president , said in September that " we wouldn 't be here today if it wasn 't for burning cash . " The company 's chairman , Cheng Wei , said the company spent $ 4bn last year in what he called " market fostering . "

  6. 滴滴发言人表示,柳青现在“很好”。

    A Didi spokesperson said Ms Liu is now " fine . "

  7. 柳青、《创业史》与中国当代文学及其他

    Liu Qing 's An Enterprising History and Chinese Contemporary Literature

  8. 那是柳青的小说,名叫《创业史》。

    It was a novel by Liu Qing , and it was called " To Build a New Life . "

  9. 总裁柳青表示,公司原计划从6月22日开始融资15亿美元。

    Didi Kuaidi set out to raise $ 1.5 billion on June 22 , according to its president , Jean Liu .

  10. “我想强调的是,我们手里有35亿美元,”柳青说。

    What I want to emphasize is , we have $ 3.5 billion in hand , " " Ms. Liu said . "

  11. 柳青和路遥对新中国农村发展的两个历史时期进行了生动的描述和逼真的记录。

    Liu Qing and Lu Yao vividly described and distinctly recorded the two history stages of the development of country in New China .

  12. 人生道路虽漫长,但在紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人年轻的时候。(柳青)

    The road of life is long , but only a few steps are crucial especially during some years when people are young . ( Liu Qing )

  13. 柳青不愿具体透露苹果和滴滴未来将如何合作,但她表示可能的领域包括产品集成、市场营销和数据科学。

    Ms Liu would not disclose specifics of how Apple and Didi would collaborate , but she said product integration , marketing and data science were possible areas .

  14. 滴滴快的的总裁柳青不愿意透露,最近筹得的资金是否将用于与优步竞争。

    Ms. Liu , the Didi Kuaidi president , was reluctant to say whether any of the company 's new cash would help the company compete with Uber .

  15. 柳青曾对中国媒体表示,她一直遵循父亲为她制定的人生规划——出国留学,在海外工作以积累经验,然后回到中国。

    Ms Liu told the Chinese press that she followed the life plan laid out by her father - study abroad and work abroad to gain experience , but then come back to China .

  16. 柳青在滴滴担任总裁,与程维共同执掌公司。在这个位置上,她成为滴滴在国际上的代言人,并在滴滴与优步的“烧钱”大战全过程中统领交易和筹款事务。

    As president at Didi , sharing power with Mr Cheng , Ms Liu became the international face of the company and its chief dealmaker and fundraiser through the Uber " cash burn " wars .

  17. 作为中国科技业最知名的女性领导者之一,柳青也曾在去年引起轰动——时年37岁的她在公司内部宣布自己正在接受乳腺癌治疗。

    As one of the most prominent woman leaders in Chinese tech , Ms Liu also made waves last year when she announced internally that she was being treated for breast cancer at the age of 37 .

  18. 上周,随着滴滴在这场胆略(及资金)的较量中彻底击败优步,柳青终于证明了自己的正确。人们认为,滴滴能够筹集资金并以令人瞠目结舌的速度烧钱,就是她在运筹帷幄。

    Finally , Ms Liu , credited as the brains behind Didi 's ability to raise money and burn it at a jaw-dropping pace , was vindicated this week , as Didi vanquished Uber in a war of nerves ( and cash ) .

  19. 上周五,柳青被问及苹果和滴滴会不会超越打车服务,合作开发它们自己的智能汽车或无人驾驶汽车,她不愿明确回答,只表示:“我们相信彼此将在产品、技术以及其他许多层面上互惠互利。”

    Asked on Friday about whether Apple and Didi could go beyond ride sharing - to work jointly to develop their own smart or driverless cars , Ms Liu was coy . " We are confident that we will benefit each other on product , on technology , and on many other levels , " she said .