
chái mǐ
  • fuel and rice -- chief daily necessities;rice and fuel
柴米 [chái mǐ]
  • [rice and fuel] 烧柴与稻米

  • 柴米夫妻

柴米[chái mǐ]
  1. 不当家不知柴米贵。

    You 'll never know how much it takes to support a family until you manage one .

  2. 年岁又不好,柴米又贵;

    The harvest is not good this year .

  3. 中国的现代化之路还很漫长,要治理好13亿人口的大国,绕不开柴米油盐酱醋茶,也就是说,要关注最基本的民生问题。

    Chinas road to modernization is a long one . To govern such a big country with 1.3 billion people , it is essential to meet peoples basic daily needs .

  4. 俗话说,开门七件事:柴米油盐酱醋茶,可见茶在人类生活中扮演着极为重要的角色。

    The common saying , open door , seven things : firewood , rice , oil , salt , sauce , vinegar and tea , which shows that the tea plays the extremely important role in mankind 's life .

  5. 家里饭菜有名的汪处厚说,就是学校替导师出饭钱,导师家里照样要开饭,少一个人吃,并不省柴米。

    Wang ch'u-hou , whose home cooking was famous , said that even if the school did pay for the tutors'meals , their families had to cook just the same , and that one less person eating made no difference in the cost of fuel and rice .