
  • 网络seismic acceleration;earthquake acceleration
  1. 当输入高频Elcentro波时,在中、低频段,含冻土层路基的地震加速度反应谱较不含冻土层路基的地震加速度反应谱大;

    In the mid and low frequency stage , the values of earthquake acceleration response spectrum for roadbed with frozen soil are larger than that without frozen soil when input is El Centro wave .

  2. 冻土场地地震加速度反应谱研究

    Research on earthquake acceleration response spectrum of frozen soil ground

  3. 地震加速度用AR模型实时在线向前预测。

    Seismic excitations are expressed by an AR model , excitation information is predicted forward .

  4. 利用近场地震加速度记录测定近震震级ML的研究

    Determination of near earthquake magnitude m_l using near-field accelerograms

  5. 2003年10月25日民乐&山丹MS6.1、5.8地震加速度记录特征分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Acceleration Records for the Minle-Shandan M_S6.1,5.8 Earthquakes on Oct.25,2003

  6. 通过对地震加速度记录放大系数谱的计算分析,给出了基岩和土层记录的水平和竖向地震分量的有效峰值加速度(EPA)的计算式。

    The main results of this paper are as following : ( 1 ) The calculated methods of effective peak ground acceleration ( EPA ) were put forward by analyzing the acceleration average magnified coefficient spectrum .

  7. 设计基本地震加速度为0.15g和0.30g地区钢筋混凝土框架的非线性动力反应研究

    Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis to RC Frame in 0.15g and 0.30g Regions of Design Basic Ground Motion Acceleration

  8. 利用HHT方法定义了一种地震加速度记录的瞬时频率时程,该瞬时频率时程能够在一定程度上将原始加速度记录的频率非平稳特性予以量化。

    By the method of Hilbert-Huang transform ( HHT ), this article defines an instantaneous frequency time history of seismic acceleration record , which can to some extent quantify the frequency-non-stationary characteristics of original acceleration record .

  9. 求得了该坝的非线性静应力以及当基岩地震加速度为0.2g时坝体内的动应力、加速度以及振动孔隙水压力及其随着时间的变化、振动孔隙水压力在坝内的分布规律。

    The following results were obtained : nonlinear static stresses and dynamic stresses , accelerations and pore-water pressures etc. , and their variations with time .

  10. 枢纽建筑物为碾压式沥青心墙坝,高78m,坝顶高程为2966.00m。基岩地震加速度0.25g,地表地震加速度0.309g。

    The elevation of the dam is about 2 966.00 m with the surface seismic acceleration of 0.309 g and the foundation rock seismic acceleration of 0.25 g.

  11. 此外计算结果还显示,相对于设计基本地震加速度,地面与基岩间的水平峰值相对位移(PGRD)对于地下结构抗震分析及设计而言是一种更为合理有效的设计地震动参数。

    For seismic response of underground structures , the peak ground displacement relative to the bedrock ( PGRD ) seems to be a more effective and reasonable design parameter of ground motion than design basic acceleration of ground motion .

  12. 地震加速度反应谱形状的模糊综合评判

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation on the shapes of seismic acceleration response spectra

  13. 爆炸地震加速度幅值的包络函数模型

    Envelope function model of ground acceleration amplitude of explosion seism

  14. 乌恰地震加速度记录特征研究

    Study on the characteristics of acceleration recordings of Wuqia earthquake

  15. 同义密码子的频率分布地震加速度相位差谱分布的数字特征

    Digital characteristics of phase difference spectrum distribution of earthquake accelerogram

  16. 关于重力墩地震加速度分布系数的讨论

    Discussion of the of Seismic Acceleration of Gravity Pier

  17. 土石坝地震加速度反应的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis for Seismic Acceleration Response of Earth Dams

  18. 多年冻土场地路基地震加速度反应谱特性研究

    Study on response spectrum characteristics of earthquake acceleration for roadbed on permafrost site

  19. 地震加速度反应谱拟合的直接法研究

    Direct method of simulating response spectrum of earthquake acceleration

  20. 近断层地震加速度设计反应谱

    Acceleration Design Response Spectra of Near-Fault Ground Motion

  21. 事实上,边坡的各种动力响应皆由地震加速度引发。

    Actually , the dynamic responses in slope are all induced by acceleration of seismic .

  22. 2003年2月24日新疆巴楚&伽师MS6.8级地震加速度记录简介

    Brief introduction on acceleration record of BACHU-JIASHI m_s6.8 earthquake in Xinjiang on feb.24 , 2003

  23. 在地震加速度为随机的情况下,导出土坡在地震效应下的失效概率的数学表达形式。

    The mathematic formulation of the slope failure probability is deduced with stochastic earthquake acceleration .

  24. 这说明对于实际地震加速度图,其功率谱是与均值速度反应谱相对应的。

    This means that for actual earthquake accelerograms their power spectrum corresponds to mean response spectrum .

  25. 结合模态分析的结果对结构进行了地震加速度反应谱分析,得到了结构的抗震特性。

    After the seismic accelerate response spectrum analysis , we derived the anti-seismic character of structure .

  26. 完善地震加速度时程曲线与反应谱曲线之间转换的有限元程序。

    Complete the finite element procedure of conversion between epoch curve and reaction curve of earthquake acceleration .

  27. 竖向地震加速度对堤坝抗震性能影响分析

    Analyses of effects of vertical acceleration on aseismic stability and seismically - induced sliding movement of embankments

  28. 并对不同地震加速度时程曲线对砂层液化和坝坡稳定的影响作了有益的探讨。

    Of the different acceleration duration curves on the sand liquefaction and stability of the dam slope is investigated .

  29. 随地震加速度系数的增加,地震被动土压力系数变化越明显。

    The variation of seismic passive pressure coefficients increases with the increase of the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration .

  30. 福建地区中小地震加速度与仿真加速度记录的反应谱特征分析

    Analysis of Response Spectrum Characteristics of Acceleration and Simulating Acceleration Records for Minor-Moderate Earthquakes in Fujian area , China