
  • 网络standard revision
  1. 新版《镀锌钢绞线》标准修订浅议

    Standard Revision in the New Version of Galvanized Steel Wire

  2. 水泥标准修订后对混凝土质量的影响

    Influence of cement standard revision on quality of concrete

  3. 大型锅炉NOx排放评价及其标准修订的建议

    On the NOx Emission Evaluation and the Proposals for Correcting the Emission Standard of Large Utility Boiler

  4. ISBN标准修订及对图书馆的影响

    About the Emendation to the ISBN Standard and Its Impact on Libraries

  5. 带标准修订的对关键修正的快速访问:Premium或PremiumPlus客户可以要求在下一修订或升级版中考虑关键修正。

    Faster access to critical fixes with standard revisions : Premium or Premium Plus customers can request their critical fix to be considered for the next available revision or update .

  6. 本文先概括了ISBN标准修订后的变化,接着讨论了它对图书馆有关方面的影响以及实施中所面临的问题,最后提出了政策建议。

    This paper outlines the latest changes to the ISBN standard firstly , secondly discusses its impact on libraries and difficult if carry on it secondly , finally gives some suggestions .

  7. 简要介绍了JB4726~4728&2000标准修订与国内压力容器用钢锻件产品的现状;

    The revising of Chinese standard JB4726 ~ 4728-2000 and the products of steel forgings for pressure vessels were introduced .

  8. 介绍2000版ISO9000族标准修订概况、基本原理和术语,对2000版ISO9001标准与1994版标准的区别作了说明,提出企业标准转换的实施方案,阐述认证方法的变化

    To introduce the revision general situation , basic principle and terminology of 2000 edition ISO 9000 family standards The difference between 2000 edition ISO 9001 standards and 1994 edition are explained The enforcement programs of enterprises standards transformation are put forward The changes of authenticating methods are expounded

  9. 《桑姜感冒注射液指纹图谱的研究及其质量标准修订》课题是国家药典委员会下达的任务,是陕西省教育厅重点科研项目(编号02JS08)。

    The topic " Studies on the Fingerprint of Sang Jiang Gan Mao Injection and Revises the Standard of Quality Control " was allotted by the Committee of Pharmacopoeia and it was the vital item of the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province . ( No. 02JS08 ) .

  10. 关于重大危险源辨识标准修订的探讨

    Probe into the Revision of Criteria for Major Hazard Installation Identification

  11. 对高电压试验技术标准修订的分析

    Comments on Modification of the National Standard : High-voltage Test Techniques

  12. 论矿产资源储量分类标准修订中的几个原则问题

    Several principle points regarding mineral resources & reserves classification code revision

  13. 紫冰油搽剂质量标准修订与临床应用

    The clinical application and standard quality revision of Zi-Bing oil liniment

  14. GB18351-2001车用乙醇汽油标准修订

    Revision of GB 18351-2001 Vehicle - Use Alcohol Gasoline Standard

  15. GB/T12754-2006彩色涂层钢板及钢带国家标准修订情况介绍

    An introduction to the revision of GB / T12754 prepainted steel sheet

  16. 农药中毒国家诊断标准修订简介

    A Brief Introduction on Revised National Diagnostic Criteria of Acute Pesticide Poisoning

  17. 试论ISO9001:2000质量管理体系标准修订特点与实际应用中应注意的问题

    Discussion on Revision characteristics and application problems of ISO9001:2000 standard

  18. 搪玻璃设备卡子标准修订的几点意见

    Some Opinions for The Standard of Clip on Glass Lining Clamp Screw

  19. 石油沥青薄膜烘箱试验法国家标准修订说明

    The revision of national standard for asphalt thin film oven test method

  20. 我国熔断器标准修订应当注意的几个问题

    Some Problems on Revision of the National Fuse Standards

  21. 国际协作组对多发性硬化临床诊断标准修订后特征

    Characteristics of diagnostic criteria from international panel on the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

  22. 复垦土地评价和复垦质量验收标准修订;

    Reclaimed land evaluation and reclamation quality check criterion ;

  23. 对涂膜耐磨性标准修订后主要修改内容的分析说明

    Discussion and Explanation of Revised Context in Standard of Abrasion Resistance of Coatings

  24. 《污水污物潜水电泵》标准修订的编制说明

    A Compilatory Explanation on the Revising of Norms of WASTE SUBMERSIBLE MOTOR PUMPS

  25. 对棉包丝标准修订的探讨

    Discussion of Standard Revision for Cotton Baling Wire

  26. 信宜爆竹厂爆炸事故分析与标准修订建议

    Analysis for the Explosion Accident in Xinyi Firecracker Factory and Suggestions for the Standard

  27. 对GB/T7723-2002固定式电子秤国家标准修订的建议

    The revising recommendation about GB / T7723-2002 national standard for stationary type electronic scale

  28. 有关科技期刊国家标准修订、完善与发布的建议

    On revision of national standards on sci-tech periodicals

  29. 《震击器及加速器》和《钻柱减震器》标准修订探讨

    On the Standard Revision of Bumper Jars and Accelerators and Drilling String Shock Absorber

  30. 轧辊的标准修订与实施情况

    Revising and implement condition in roll standard