
  • 网络cement paste
  1. 水化早期水泥净浆电导的特征及与凝结时间相关性的研究

    Investigation of electrical conductivity on cement paste during early hydration and relativity between electrical conductivity and setting time

  2. 水泥净浆标准稠度需水量

    Water requirement for normal consistency of cement paste

  3. C3A对水泥净浆结粒的影响

    Influence of C_3A in Cement Paste Agglomeration

  4. 研究了氨基磺酸系新型高效减水剂ASP对水泥净浆的分散作用机理。

    The mechanism of dispersion effect of sulfamic acid series ASP on cement particles was studied .

  5. 高性能水泥净浆配合比H2、H3比普通净浆配合比G具有更好的可灌性。

    High-performance cement paste mix H2 and H3 were more pourable than ordinary cement paste .

  6. 利用IR表征了其结构,并考察了产品对水泥净浆流动度和混凝土减水率的影响。

    Structure of superplasticizer was characterized by IR and effects of the product on fluidity of cement paste and water reduction for concrete were investigated .

  7. 水泥净浆和水泥砂浆的24h吸水性分别为0.83%和0.33%。

    The 24 hours water absorption of cement and mortar were 0.83 % and 0.33 % respectively .

  8. SPS的相对分子质量和磺化度对水泥净浆的性能几乎没有影响。

    The molecular weight and sulfonation degree of SPS have little effect on the cement paste properties .

  9. 本文通过水泥净浆试验,采用XRD和FSEM方法对净浆材料不同龄期的微观结构进行了试验研究,通过微观分析的结果对所选用材料的抗腐蚀机理进行了深入的分析探讨。

    The microstructures of the cement pastes with different materials were studied by XRD and SEM methods . The mechanism of corrosion resistance of different materials was discussed .

  10. 用压汞仪(MIP)分别测定了掺钙矾石型和氧化镁膨胀剂水泥净浆及砂浆的孔结构,分析二者对水泥石孔结构的影响。

    The pore structure of cement paste and mortar added with the two agents was characterized using mercury intrusion porosimeter .

  11. 另外根据试验得知,不同外加剂掺量的水泥净浆28d强度主要是由水灰比来确定。

    In addition , the 28d strength of the cement pastes is mainly determined by water-cement ratio .

  12. 研究了掺加木质素磺酸钙(calciumlignosulfonate,CLS)后水泥净浆体系的水化速度、水化产物生成量,以及硬化水泥石的微观结构及孔隙结构的变化。

    Hydration rates and hydration products of cement paste , microstructures and pore structures of hydrated cement blended with calcium lignosulfonate ( CLS ) were studied .

  13. 随着SPS掺量的增大,水泥净浆的吸水率和化学结合水量进一步减小,抗压强度、抗折强度和冲击强度进一步提高;

    The water absorption and chemically combined water content continually decrease , and the compressive strength , bending strength and impact strength continually increase as SPS content increases .

  14. 原因是由于硅灰的稀释作用和火山灰效应减少了水泥净浆中Ca(OH)2的量,从而降低了水泥净浆试件在硫酸盐溶液侵蚀下形成的膨胀性钙矾石的量。

    The factor is that the Ca ( OH ) 2 in the cement paste is reduced and the formation of expansive ettringite against sulfate attack is decreased yet by the dilute effect and the pozzolanic reaction of silica fume .

  15. 通过对比研究了不同粉煤灰掺量下磷酸镁水泥净浆和砂浆的力学性能和体积稳定性,通过SEM分析了不同粉煤灰掺量下磷酸镁水泥水化产物的微观形貌。

    The mechanical properties and dimensional stability of magnesium phosphate cement paste and mortar under different content of fly ash have been studied comparatively . The hydration product microstructure of magnesium phosphate cement has been analyzed by SEM .

  16. 通过水泥净浆流动性、ZETA电位分析和水泥水化热测试等试验结果,说明该种减水剂具有良好的分散与分散稳定性能;

    Through cement pasty fluidity test , cement zeta potential test and Heat evolution of cement hydration experimentation , the results further account for its properties such as high dispersive ability and good fluid-retaining ability etc.

  17. 研究了阳离子性聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)对水泥净浆抗折强度、抗冲击强度、容重、空隙率和吸水率的影响。

    The effect of cationic polyacrylamide ( CPAM ) on the flexural strength , inpact resistance , unit weight , porosity and water absorption of modified cement pastes has been studied .

  18. 在工程试配C100自流平混凝土的同时,进行了水泥净浆流动度与混凝土流变性能相关性试验。

    The correlativity of cement paste fluidity and concrete rheologic property was tested during the time of testing preparation of C100 self-leveling concrete .

  19. 结果表明:C3A是影响水泥净浆结粒的主要因素,水泥结粒量随着水泥矿物成分中C3A的含量的增加而增大;

    The result shows : C_3A is the key effecting factor in the formation of CPA , and with the component percent of C_3A in the cement increases , CPA increases ;

  20. 通过掺加石灰石粉,对长期浸泡在5%(质量分数)Na2SO4溶液中的水泥净浆试件所产生的有害化合物进行了研究。

    By the means of the addition of limestone powder , the harmful compound of cement paste caused by the long period immersion in 5 % Na_2SO_4 solution was investigated .

  21. 介绍了改性氨基磺酸盐高效减水剂ASH-JD的合成过程及合成产物的特点,通过水泥净浆和混凝土试验研究了ASH-JD的特性。

    Synthesis of modified aminosulfonate superplasticizer ASH-JD is described and characteristics of ASH-JD were studied by means of cement paste and concrete tests .

  22. GCL1与保水剂HEC、引气剂复配时,改善了水泥净浆的保水性能,提高了硬化水泥的早期及后期抗压强度。

    When GCL1 combined with water retaining admixture HEC and air entraining agent , it will further improve the water retaining performance and increase the early stage and long term compressive strength .

  23. 介绍ZDD-A减缩剂掺量对水泥净浆、砂浆和混凝土收缩及强度的影响。

    This paper presents the influence of adding ZDD-A shrinkage-reducing agent on shrinkage and strength of cement paste , mortar and concrete .

  24. 掺0.45%AH的水泥净浆经过90min的流动度损失仅为14.7%,而掺FDN的流动度损失竟达100%。

    The fluidity of cement paste using 0.45 % AH after 90 minutes loses only 14.7 % , while that of 0.45 % FDN after 90 minutes unexpectedly loses 100 % .

  25. 实验测试了GCL1-3的水泥净浆流动度、减水率、流动度损失和抗压强度等性能。

    The influences of GCL1-3 on the flowability of cement paste , water reducing ratio , slump loss , setting time and compressive strength were tested .

  26. 研究了机械活化、化学活化及联合活化(机械活化+化学活化)技术对湿排粉煤灰(WDFA)粒度分布、所制水泥净浆试件各龄期抗压强度及其水化产物的影响。

    The influence of mechanical activation , chemical activation and their combination on particle size distribution of wet discharged fly ash ( WDFA ), compressive strength of cement paste at various age , hydration products were studied .

  27. 纯水泥净浆不能用做界面剂。

    The pure cement pastes cannot be used as interfacial agents .

  28. 大流动度水泥净浆流动参数的测试方法

    Method to Evaluate Rheological Behavior of Cement Paste with High Fluidity

  29. 聚羧酸系超塑化剂对水泥净浆性能的影响

    Effect of property of the cement paste by adding polycarboxylate superplasticizer

  30. 掺合料水泥净浆孔隙结构的研究

    Study of Effect of Admixture on Micropore Structure of Cement Paste