
biāo zhǔn jí
  • standard level
标准级[biāo zhǔn jí]
  1. OMGSoaML规范定义了一个使用面向服务方法进行系统建模的行业标准级的元数据模型和符号。

    The OMG SoaML specification defines an industry-standard meta-model and notation for modeling systems using service-oriented approaches .

  2. 鉴于我国在中温区还没有标准级热电偶,作者建议开发Ag-Pd热电偶,并给出Ag-Pd热电偶热电动势-温度值。

    It is suggested that we 'll develop Ag-Pd thermocouple for there is no standard class thermocouple at middle temperature range in our country and give thermal electromotive force-temperature value of Ag-Pd thermocouple .

  3. 标准级硬性纤维板,1/8英寸,每1000平方英尺62.60美元。

    Hardboard standard grade 1 / 8 ' ' $ 62.60 per 1,000 sq. ft .

  4. 对回收聚苯乙烯的性能进行了测试,测试结果与标准级样品对比符合要求;

    The performance of recycled polystyrene is tested and the result shows that the quality of recycled polystyrene meets the standards ;

  5. [结果]挥发酚类指标变化迅速,11天达地表水环境质量标准级,氨氮次之达16天,锰污染指标变化迟缓达19天。

    [ Results ] It cost 11 days to reduce pollutant concentrations to the environmental quality standard of surface water ⅱ grade for volatile phenols , 16 days for manganese and 19 days for ammonia nitrogen .

  6. 它是我们适应环境的不同阶段你去过老镇或八廓广场周边的咖啡店吗?‘那里有一个提供世界标准级卡布奇诺咖啡的地方——确实,那是你在拉萨那样的地方想也想不到的。

    Did you go to any of the cafes in the Old Town or around the Barkhor Square There was one brilliant coffee place we went to that served world standard'cappuccinos and things like that - exactly what you do not expect to have in somewhere like Lhasa .

  7. 该异常作为一个标准应用级的异常使用,来报告查找请求的EJB对象失败。

    The exception is used as a standard application-level exception to report a failure to find the requested EJB object ( s ) .

  8. 在优惠工艺条件下,产品硫酸钾符合标准一级品要求,其中,K2O>45%,Cl<1.5%;

    The product of first grade , with K 2O > 45 % and Cl < 1.5 % , was obtained under the optimum conditions .

  9. 桩西油田回注污水水质多项测定值超过行业标准B3级指标。

    The quality of recycled produced water at Zhangxi oil field , Shengli , does not meet the requirements B3 of the trade Standard in many aspects .

  10. N+有机肥处理的Zn含量超过土壤环境质量标准2级(pH6.5~7.5)的限界,Hg含量增加幅度较大,比试验基础值增加了114%。

    The Zn content of the soil with N + organic fertilizer processed , which exceeds the limit of the Soil Environmental Quality Standard II , Hg content increased massively , 114 % increased than the testing foundational value .

  11. 深入探讨了标准晶片级电迁移加速试验方法(SWEAT试验方法)的试验原理、试验系统的建立、试验步骤及试验结果的分析等,并将在实践中总结出的试验经验和技巧介绍给大家。

    This paper discusses the standard wafer level electromigration accelerate test theory , test system constructing , test procedure and test result analysis . Besides , it also introduces the experience and know how of the test .

  12. 经PFC化学混凝和KC87活性炭吸附组合工艺处理后,废水COD总去除率达到97.4%,其他污染物也得到了明显的去除,使得最终出水达到了国家废水综合排放标准一级水平。

    With the combined treatment by PFC coagulation and KC-87 adsorption at the optimal conditions , the total COD removal efficiency reached 97.4 % , and the treated wastewater reached the first-class level of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard .

  13. 结果:水中总氮和总磷均超过地面水环境质量标准III级限值,水中藻细胞总数均值达到3×106个/L。

    Results : The concentration of total nitrogen ( TN ) and total phosphorus ( TP ) in the Lake were higher than the III level guideline of surface water environmental quality standard . The average algae cell density was 3 × 106 / liter .

  14. 综合各项指标,花椒间歇式微波最佳干燥工艺应为加热时间为7s、间歇时间为40s、装载量为70g。但是最优的干燥工艺也只能达到行业标准二级左右。

    All factors considered , the condition ( microwave-on time 7s , microwave-off time 40s and loadage 70 g ) is the optimization technology of Chinese prickly ash intermittent microwave drying .

  15. 实验结果表明,经微波辐照8min,所得活性炭的亚甲基蓝脱色力为15mL/0.1g,为国家标准一级品(LY216-79)的125倍,时间仅为传统方法的1/45。

    According to the experimental data , the microwave processing is 45 times as fast as the conventional processing , and the methylene blue decolorizing ability is 1.25 times as strong as that of the first grade in standard of powder activated carbon of China ( LY 216-79 ) .

  16. 标准圆片级电迁移加速测试技术;

    Standard wafer-level electromigration acceleration test ( SWEAT );

  17. 新标准7级齿轮插齿工艺研究

    Study of gear shaving technology in obtaining grade 7 gears conforming to new gear standards

  18. 政府第一标准薪级员工总会

    Government Mod 1 Staff General Union

  19. 通过生产证明,此工艺生产的氟化钠产品和水合二氧化硅副产品的质量均达到或超过国家标准一级品标准,而其生产成本比其他工艺生产成本低。

    The cost of the product is lower than that of the product made by other process .

  20. 实验表明,采用该数字积分器的电流互感器系统,精度可满足IEC60044-8标准0.2级要求。

    It is proved by the accuracy experiments that the ECT can meet at 0.2 class in IEC 60044-8 .

  21. 表明异步教学法的实施对学生学习第二套大众锻炼标准三级有显著性的作用。

    These results showed that the asynchronous teaching method had apparent effects on the study of the second set public 3 level .

  22. 砷含量有两个乡镇超出九十年代长春土壤背景值,也全部符合国家土壤环境质量标准一级标准。

    Arsenic content has two towns beyond ninety s changchun soil background values , but all conform to the state soil environment quality standard level standard .

  23. 在工业生产中运用这些工艺参数,产品质量均能超过企业标准一级。

    When these parameters are used in industrial production , the quality of the product will be better than that specified for Grade one in the enterprise standard .

  24. 实验结果表明:氯化亚砜含量达到国家标准一级品指标,三氯氧磷质量分数达到99%以上,产品收率>90%。

    The experimental result shows that the thionyl chloride content can reach the index of frist-grade of National standard and the phosphorus oxychloride content can be over 99 % and the product yield over 90 % .

  25. 该标准定义六级CoS。

    The standard defines six levels of CoS .

  26. 结果3个地区空气中的CO和SO2的日平均浓度均低于GB/T3095-1996《环境空气质量标准》二级标准限值。

    Results The daily averages of CO and SO2 were lower than level 2 standard limitation for 5 days ' measurement in 3 regions .

  27. 不幸的是,与CLR不同,JVM没有附带一个标准的VM级线程池。

    Unfortunately , unlike the CLR , the JVM doesn 't ship with a standard VM-wide thread pool .

  28. 标准的B1级防火阻燃功能,使得地板水火不侵。

    B1 grade with fireproof and burning retarding functions makes fire and water no chance to damage floor .

  29. 按Simpson切除分级标准:I级切除14例,Ⅱ级切除6例。

    According to Simpson resectional standard , 14 cases belonged to Simpson I and 6 Simpson II .

  30. 试验结果表明,该数字化设计满足IEC标准关于0.2级互感器的精度要求以及数字输出的相关要求。

    The test results show that the all-digital designs can meet the 0.2 class accuracy and the requirements of IEC standard .