
  • 网络Standard grading;Standard Hierarchy
  1. 膝关节损伤按Fischer标准分级。

    Fischer grading was used to grade trauma in knee .

  2. 并对治疗后的有效率及按Child-Pugh标准分级的变化等相关指标进行对比。

    And compare the efficient after treatment and the changes of relevant indicators according to Child-Pugh classification standards .

  3. 方法:按美国麻醉学家学会(ASA)标准分级,将Ⅰ~Ⅱ级拟行颈部手术的80例患者随机分为两组,每组40例。

    METHODS : One hundred and fifty patients of American Society of Anesthesiologists ( ASA ) ⅰ - ⅱ were randomly divided into three groups in equal number .

  4. 我国大气质量标准分级原则

    On the principle of standards grading of atmospheric quality in China

  5. 水环境质量综合评价的标准分级法

    The Standard Gradational Method of Water Environment Quality Integrative Evaluation

  6. 分配和标准分级没有谈到任何惩罚或者对干净的、易读的、有条理的代码的奖励。

    Assignments and grading criteria don 't mention any penalty or reward for clear , readable , well-written code .

  7. 总结其影像表现,按照修订的纽约标准分级,作平行对照研究,χ2统计学分析。

    According with the New York criteria for the classification of AS , the cases were graded and analyzed with χ 2 statistics .

  8. 将骶髂关节炎按1984年美国纽约修订标准分级并作与性别、病程、年龄的相关性研究。

    Sacroiliitis were graded according to the New York criteria revised in 1984 and its relationship with gender , disease duration and age were studied .

  9. 按国家标准分级,空气质量3级以上(API>100)的日数占335%,年递减率为596天。

    According to the grading of National Unified Standard , the air quality grades of 33 5 % of the days are above the third grade ( API > 100 ) , which decrease 5 96 days per annum .

  10. 一种港口VTS工程建设标准的分级方法

    A Grading Method of Port VTS Project Standard

  11. 理论上分析了自适应移动性管理方案的性能,并同标准的分级移动IPv6协议进行了比较。

    The performance of the adaptive mobility management scheme are analysed theoretically , and are compared with the standard hierarchical mobile IPv6 protocol .

  12. 目的设计药品不良反应(ADR)伤害的量化分级标准和分级方法,为构建ADR补偿体系提供参考依据。

    Objective To design a quantitative criterion and grading system for injury from adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) in order to serve the compensation system of injury from ADR .

  13. 医嘱护理分级与标准护理分级、Barthel指数分级的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),住院医师多用惯性思维提出护理级别,影响护士规范化的护理行为。

    There were significant difference in the nursing grades rated by the doctors , standards of nursing grades and Barthel index ( P < 0.01 ) . The doctors tended to rate the nursing grades by their own experience , which influenced the standardized nursing behaviors .

  14. 对188例住院患者分别按医嘱护理分级、标准护理分级及Barthel指数分级法,进行一、二、三级护理登记与评分,并进行统计学处理。

    At the same time , 188 hospitalized patients were rated using the three methods respectively , which were the doctors ' order , the standards of nursing grade and Barthel index , and then compare the difference of the nursing grades rated by the three methods .

  15. RE按中国烟台试行标准进行分级。

    RE was graded on Chinese Yantai Standard .

  16. 石油沥青产品标准的分级

    Gradation of Asphalt Product Standards

  17. 同时,对甲状腺细胞分级诊断标准、分级诊断在临床应用价值及甲状腺细胞学诊断中,根据某些病变的细胞形态特点,反映其组织病理学特征等进行了讨论。

    The criteria of cytological grading diagnosis , the relationship between cellular morphological characteristics and pathological changes in some diseases were discussed .

  18. 以痰湿壅盛型为主证的高血压病患者60例均符合上述诊断标准,分级属Ⅰ~Ⅱ级。

    The 60 candidates were all consistent with the standard as above , who belong to phlegmatic hygrosis flourishing syndrome and ⅰ~ⅱ degree .

  19. 根据技术先进程度对排放标准进行分级,以持续促进环境保护技术进步,为社会提供正确预期。

    The emission standards would be graded based on the technical advanced degrees , which could promote continuous improvement for environmental technology and provide correct predications to the society .

  20. 对新、旧标准的分级精度进行了评价;利用所得结果指导柞蚕水缫丝国家标准的制定工作。

    The precision assessment of the classification results between the new and old standards is expected to be helpful to the formulation of a State standard for water-reeled tussah silk .

  21. 第2章在有关标准的分级、分类基本理论的基础上,提出了物流检测标准的概念及涵义,并对其性质进行了研究。

    In chapter 2 , based on the essential theory of classification and grading of standard , the author promotes the conception and meaning of logistics examination standard , and studies its property .

  22. 根据李汉民等制定的肘关节功能分级标准进行分级评定。结果:所有病例经6月至7年9月(平均2.9年)随访。

    According to Li Hanmin ' elbow function grading standards , assess the elbow function . Results : All patients were followed-up for 6 months to 7 years 9 months ( average 2.9 years ) .

  23. 目的:探讨肝脏顿挫伤CT诊断标准及CT分级的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the CT diagnostic criterion of hepatic blunt trauma and the clinical value of classification based on CT findings .

  24. 笔者在对比国际上影视分级标准与因特网分级标准的基础上,提出适应中国国情的网络教育内容分级标准(CHERS:ChineseE-learningcontentratingstandard),并对其二维特性进行了具体阐述。

    Then it proposed the Chinese educational content rating and filtering system and standard , which is a part of Chinese E-Learning Technology Standards .

  25. 主要对澳大利亚及新西兰电磁兼容认证组织、标准、产品分级和实验室进行了介绍,以便于EMC实验室测试人员及生产企业了解相关变化情况。

    Mainly describe EMC authorities , EMC standards and accredited laboratories in Australia and New Zealand for the EMC measurement engineers and manufacturer .

  26. 目的:通过对142例新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病随访复查CT图象的变化,探讨其CT分度标准与临床分级,不同预后不能完全平行的关系,提出补充观点以供参考。

    Objective : To analyze CT image data of 142 cases of neonatal hypoxic ischemia encephalopathy ( HIE ) and explore the cause that the standard of grade on CT is not corresponded correctly to clinical stage .

  27. 大蒜分级标准及重量分级准确度的研究

    The research on the standards of garlic classification and grading accuracy based on weight

  28. 治疗后第四周,根据WHO制定的疗效标准和毒性分级标准进行有效性和安全性评价。

    Accroding to the effect standard and toxic grading standard suggested by WHO efficacy and safety were evaluated at the fourth week .

  29. 南京农业大学肉类研究室于2003年制定了牛肉等级的分级标准,该分级标准涵盖了质量级和产量级双重标准。

    The beef grading standards were worked out by the beef research department of Nanjing Agriculture University , which contain two parts : the quality grade and quantity grade .

  30. 地下水质量评价方法很多,各种方法的评价模式、评价标准和质量分级等方面都不尽相同。

    There are many ways used to evaluate the quality of groundwater . They show differences in such aspects as the models of evaluation , evaluating standards and quality levels .