  • good people
  • good;fine;nice
  • very;very much;indeed
  • 好:~好。善~。~辰美景。~知~能(中国古代唯心主义哲学家指人类不学而知的、不学而能的、先天具有的判断是非与善恶的能力)。~莠不齐。

  • 很:~久。~多趣味。用心~苦。

  • 诚然,的确:“古人秉烛夜游,~有以也”。“以为犬~我友”。

  • 姓。


(善良的人) good people:

  • 逼良为娼

    force virgin or maiden to be prostitutes;

  • 除暴安良

    get rid of bullies and bring peace to good people


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 良霄

    Liang Xiao


(好) good; fine; nice:

  • 良工

    a skilled worker;

  • 良将

    a good general; an able general;

  • 良马

    a fine horse;

  • 良宵

    beautiful night


(很) very; very much; indeed:

  • 良深

    very deep;

  • 用心良苦

    have really given much thought to the matter

  1. 每一位美国人享受良政的权利被国会山的闹剧损害殆尽。

    The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill .

  2. 铜是热的良导体。

    Copper is a good conductor of heat .

  3. 铜是热和电的良导体。

    Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity .

  4. 他要马良在他的房子前面画一座金山。

    He asked Ma Liang to draw a gold hill in front of his house .

  5. 地主很想到这座金山上去,但是没有船,他要马良为他画船。

    The landlord wanted to go to the gold hill very much , but there was no boat .

  6. 马良非常高兴,他为穷人画了很多面包和很多鸡蛋、橘子、苹果、梨子,还为他们画了船和房子。

    Ma Liang was very happy , he drew a log1 of bread and many eggs , oranges , apples , pears and bananas for the poor men , and he drew boats and houses for them too .

  7. 自然人享有姓名权,有权依法决定、使用、变更或者许可他人使用自己的姓名,但是不得违背公序良俗。

    A natural person enjoys the right to name and is entitled to determine , use , change , or allow others to use his name in accordance with law , provided that public order and good morals are not offended .

  8. 乳腺良恶性病变CT表现

    CT Findings : Benign and Malignancy Disorder in the Breast

  9. 高分辨CT对肾上腺肿块良恶性的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of high resolution CT in adrenal masses

  10. P(n,k)的计数及其良域

    On the Calculation of P ( n , k ) and its Good Field

  11. 多层螺旋CT灌注成像在诊断与鉴别诊断肾脏良恶性肿瘤中的临床应用研究

    The Application of Multi-slice Spiral CT Perfusion Imaging in Diagnosis and Differentiating of Renal Tumor

  12. 目的:探讨小肠肿瘤的CT表现以及良恶性的鉴别。

    Objective : To discuss the CT features of small intestinal tumor and its differential diagnosis .

  13. 结论CT灌注成像能反映乳腺病变的血液灌注特点,提供有价值的血流动力学信息,有助于乳腺良、恶性病变的鉴别诊断。

    These parameters have a value in diagnosis of breast diseases and are helpful for differential diagnosis .

  14. 对良、恶性椎体压缩性骨折MRI鉴别诊断的再认识

    Further recognizing the differentiation of benign and malignant vertebral compression fractures with MR imaging

  15. 鼻良恶性病变P(53)基因表达及DNA倍体相关性研究

    A Study of Correlation Between P_ ( 53 ) Gene Expression and DNA Ploidy in Benign and Malignant Nasal Diseases

  16. 晶圆测试的结果是良率和分bin的map图。

    The result of wafer probe is wafer map .

  17. 因为DB2中的XML列只能包含良构的XML,所以更新失败。

    Since XML columns in DB2 can only contain well-formed XML documents , the update fails .

  18. 腹水的流式DNA倍体分析为识别良,恶性腹水开辟了一条新的诊断途径。

    DNA ploidy analysis with flow cytometry opened up a new diagnostic way for distinguishing benign and malignant ascites .

  19. 这将有效的提高芯片的良品率,提升LED制造的工艺水平。

    All this can increase the rate of the best products , enhance the manufacture level of HB-LED chip .

  20. 肺良恶性病变~(99)Tc~m-MIBI显像与肺癌DNA含量分析

    ~ ( 99 ) Tc ~ m-MIBI imaging in diagnosing benign / malign pulmonary disease and analysis of lung cancer DNA content

  21. 目的探讨MR动态增强成像技术所获得的参数及减影成像在乳腺良、恶性疾病诊断及鉴别诊断中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value in differentiating benign from malignant breast lesions by dynamic contrast enhanced MR imaging and digital subtraction imaging .

  22. 卵巢良、恶性肿瘤病人NK细胞活性的变化

    Changes of NK activity in patients with benign and malignant ovarian tumor

  23. 经过对实际算例的模拟,结果表明本文给出的快速BP算法是一种适用于多层神经网络的、性能忧良的学习算法。

    The examples show that the Quick BP Algorithm has good capability and is applicable to the multilayer neural network .

  24. 目的:研究腹膜后神经鞘瘤的CT、MRI表现及良恶性鉴别。

    Objective : To study the CT and MRI findings of the retroperitoneal schwannoma , and differ the benign to malignant tumor .

  25. 大肠良、恶性病变细胞核DNA含量及AgNORs定量研究

    Cellular DNA Content and AgNORs in Benign and Malignant Lesions of Human Large Bowel

  26. 目的探讨胆胰液脱落细胞DNA倍体分析对胆道腺胰良恶性疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of DNA doublet analysis of falling off cells from cholangiopancreatic drainage in the diseases of bile and pancreas .

  27. 结果:乳腺良恶性病变不同时间的平均增强△CT值差异显著(P<0.01)。

    Results Significant difference in mean enhanced △ CT values at different time existed in benign and malignant breast lesions ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 学术期刊之退稿率向来为学术界采具同侪评阅(PeerReview)要求下,所并随产生与要求呈具的资料。它通常亦被用作证明期刊品质控制良窳之标准之一。

    The rejection rate of scholarly journals has usually been used and accompanied with the evidence of peer review for the quality control .

  29. 良、恶性结节灶内检测到的血流阻力指数(RI)及血流搏动指数(PI)均无显著差异。

    There is no significant difference in mean RI and mean PI between benign and malignant nodules .

  30. 细胞凋亡和p53、Bcl-2基因产物在乳腺良、恶性病变之间差异有显著性。检测细胞调亡和p53、Bcl-2对判断乳腺癌的预后有重要意义。

    The detection of apoptosis , p53 , and Bcl 2 has an important significance on prognosis for breast carcinoma .