
liánɡ xìnɡ xún huán
  • virtuous circle;beneficent cycle;positive succession/change/etc.
  1. 这种意识主要表现在:深淘滩、低作堰,使生态环境产生良性循环;

    Three aspects prove such guidance : 1 . " clear the shoal and strengthen the weir " keeps the beneficent cycle of natural environment ;

  2. 锻炼身体能够形成一种良性循环。一旦你开始一项锻炼计划并持之以恒,你会感觉良好并坚持下去。

    Exercise creates its own virtuous circle . Once you start a programme and do it regularly , you 'll feel so good you 'll want to continue .

  3. 3G移动数据业务取得成功的关键在于建立起良性循环、成熟稳定的产业生态系统。

    Success of 3G mobile data services depends on a good and mature industry ecosystem .

  4. EM可以有效改善土壤理化性质、提高土壤肥力,促进土壤养分良性循环,具有改善土壤通透性等作用。

    EM could improve soil physical and chemical properties and fertility , promote soil nutrient sound cycle and accelerate soil ventilation .

  5. 改进我国的财税法制度,使其符合WTO规则,是我国步入经济全球化和经济发展良性循环的必然趋势。

    Improving our country Finance and Revenue Law institution on according with the rules of WTO , is the inevitable tendency of entering global economy and benign circle of economy development .

  6. PBL教学模式在长学制药理学教学中的应用将培养及提高学生的综合素质,形成学习的良性循环;

    Application of PBL will cultivate and increase the general capabilities of students and induce a positive feedback for learning .

  7. 人类应能动地适应并促进其良性循环,保持SDS系统中各子系统的协调平衡与发展。

    The human being should fit and promote Sustainable development System 's good circle and remain each system 's harmonious and equilibrated development in SDS .

  8. 苇田对废水的COD(Cr)净化率达到82.3%左右。废水灌溉使土壤微生物增加,能起到淋盐改土、增加土壤有机质的作用,土壤环境质量向良性循环方向发展。

    The purification of wastewater amounted to 82.3 % , and sewage irrigation increased the amount of microbe in the soil , which make the environment in a good condition .

  9. 西部地区应该加快体制改革的步伐,改善投资环境,吸引FDI,进而通过FDI带动西部地区制度变迁的进程,最终形成FDI和制度变迁相互推动、相互促进的良性循环。

    Western area should speed up institution innovation , improve investment environment , attract FDI , further put forward institutional change in western areas by FDI , form mutually effected circulation at last .

  10. 与力拓(riotinto)和中铝(chinalco)之间最近的纷争相比,这正是中国希望在海外形成的良性循环。

    Compared with the recent dust-up between Rio Tinto and Chinalco , this is just the virtuous circle that China is trying to draw offshore .

  11. 食用菌放出CO2可增强猕猴桃光合作用,其菌渣提供优质肥料,改善土壤理化性状,促进生态良性循环。

    Edible fungi let off CO 2 , it could strengthen photosynthesis of kiwifruit ; the substratum residue has benefits to supply fertilizer with fine quality , improve the physicochemical properties of soil and promote fine ecological circle .

  12. 乐观者会提到意大利,出任意大利总理的马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)似乎促成了改革与市场利率降低之间的良性循环。

    The optimists point to Italy , where the appointment of Mario Monti as prime minister has led to a seemingly virtuous circle of reforms and lower market interest rates .

  13. 其次,通过分析MCAS理论促进区域物流实现良性循环发展的过程,探讨了将这两者相结合进行研究的理论与操作实践可行性和必然性。

    Secondly , through analyzing MCAS theory affect the healthy developing process of regional logistics development , explore the feasibility and necessarily of applying MCAS theory to regional logistics planning technology .

  14. VBM要实施成功,更重要的是进行有效运作,即制度渗透、文化根植和持续改进,最终将VBM建设成为一个良性循环的生命体。

    However , to implement VBM successfully , it 's more important to operate it efficiently , namely system saturation , culture replanting , and sustainable improvement , and at last VBM will be constructed to a life with healthy circulation .

  15. 为使财政投资产业有效地保值增值,提高财政效率,提出了国有企业保值托管退出(CWPTS)的良性循环管理机制参考模型。

    To maintain and increase these financial investments , and improve financial efficiency , the paper proposes a reference model of the virtuously circular management mechanism for state enterprises capital 's worth preserve trusteeship to secede ( CWPTS ) .

  16. 实现泵站经济良性循环的对策

    Strategics of Carrying out the Economic Goodness Cycle of Pumping Station

  17. 建设新农村与政府良性循环机制的构建

    New Countryside Construction and Formation of Government 's Sound Recycling Mechanism

  18. 促进水土保持经济良性循环的探讨

    Discussion on Promoting the Benign Cycle of Economy of Soil Conservation

  19. 以致形成良性循环,薄利多销,向规模要效益。

    So a benign cycle , makes , the scale benefits .

  20. 建立良性循环的竞争机制,调动政工干部的积极性。

    Establish the competition mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of political workers .

  21. 建立与社会主义新农村相适应的资金良性循环机制

    Establishing the Positive Capital Cycle Mechanism for New Socialist Countryside

  22. 建立我国技术引进良性循环的研究

    Study on Buiding China 's Virtuous Circulation of Technology Introduction

  23. 生态环境的良性循环是社会经济实现可持续发展必备的基础条件,是西部大开发的根本和切入点。

    Ecological environment in good circle is the base of sustainable development .

  24. 当前的问题是如何启动这个良性循环。

    The issue at hand is getting that cycle started .

  25. 消化不良的有关或患有消化不良症的没有文化的多样化,不可能形成生态环境的良性循环。

    No cultural diversification , there is no good cycle of environment .

  26. 促进区域煤炭市场的良性循环发展。

    Promotes the region coal market positive cycle development .

  27. 如何实现煤矿安全生产的良性循环研究与探讨

    A Study on The Beneficial Cycle of Safety in Production of Coal Mine

  28. 最终,这三个角色需要互动而达到良性循环的模式。

    Finally , these three roles need to interact .

  29. 宜昌山区建立良性循环的农业生态系统的途径

    Ways for Establishing A Good Agricultural Ecosystem in The Mountainous Area of Yichang

  30. 大众传媒与农村发展良性循环的理论决策探索

    The Exploration of the Fine Circulation between the Mass Media and Rural Development