
biāo shí
  • identifying;identification;mark;logo;characteristic
标识 [biāo zhì]
  • [mark] 立标指示位置

标识[biāo shí]
  1. 纯元素厚试样的标识X射线强度比

    The characteristic X-ray intensity factors of the pure element bulk samples

  2. X射线定量分析中β线引起的标识谱荧光效应

    The Characteristic X-Ray Fluorescence Effect Stimulated by β Lines in X-Ray Quantitative Analysis

  3. 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

    The team 's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps .

  4. 球员们都穿着带有他们俱乐部标识的短上衣。

    The players all have jackets with the club badge on them .

  5. 面临抑郁、焦虑和自杀风险的青少年,常常把自己的问题表现得如同霓虹灯标识一般明显。

    Teenagers at risk of depression , anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign .

  6. 权威负责向Internet网站授予其标识。

    Authority certifies the identity of sites on the internet .

  7. Nakedstreet(裸街)指没有任何交通标识、路标或者信号灯的街道。

    Naked street refers to a street that has no signs , road markings , or traffic lights .

  8. 在标尺上的小箭头用于标识段落缩进

    The small arrows on the ruler are used for indenting paragraphs .

  9. 如果没有标识,使用者就要猜测该推还是拉,导致不必要的挫败。

    Without signs , a user is left guessing about whether to push or pull , creating needless frustration1 .

  10. 据路透社22日报道,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。4月21日,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为科技的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。

    French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other .

  11. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .

  12. 不知道怎么开门才是正确的,有这样设计的门就称为“诺曼门”。所谓的“诺曼门”的设计元素给你错误的使用信号,以至于需要特殊的标识让人搞清楚该怎么开关。

    Norman door is a door with a design that makes it difficult to determine the correct way to open the door . A so-called " Norman Door " has design elements that give you the wrong usability signals to the point that special signage is needed to clarify how they work .

  13. article标签标识了Web页面中的主要内容。

    The article tag identifies major sections of content within a web page .

  14. 在所有的三个标识映射场景中都使用了usermapping.properties文件。

    The user_mapping.properties file is used in all three identity mapping scenarios .

  15. 鼠疫耶尔森菌DNA标识序列的鉴定及其应用研究

    Detection of DNA tag sequences for rapid identification of Yersinia pestis

  16. ETC系统车辆标识卡的定位分析

    Analysis of Tag ? Postion Location in Electronic Toll Collection System

  17. 内核程序使用进程标识号(PID)标识过程。

    The process is marked with PID numbers in kernel program .

  18. 控件使用默认的windows标识来连接到报表服务器。

    Control uses the default Windows identity to connect to the report server .

  19. 在随后将Web服务的使用与该服务的消费者相关联时需要这个标识。

    This identity is needed to later associate the use of a Web service with the consumer of that service .

  20. class-仅用于Java语言约束,标识实现约束的类。

    Class & For Java language constraints only , identifies a class implementing the constraint .

  21. 此ID应该反映消息驱动的Bean所使用的标识。

    This should reflect the identity used by the message driven bean .

  22. Compositenamespace和Compositename:这两个选项标识您在为其创建节点的组合。

    Composite namespace and Composite name : These identify the composite for which you are creating the node .

  23. 浏览Web的人易于标识他们所讲的语言,但确定其国家代码有时会很困难。

    People browsing the web tend to identify the language they speak , but determining their country code can sometimes be very difficult .

  24. @asset注释是一个标记,将Java类标识为资产。

    An @ asset annotation is used as a marker to identify a Java class as an asset .

  25. 品牌标识(LOGO)更换与品牌塑造战略研究

    Study of the change of brand logo and the brand building strategy

  26. SubGrp&标识邻居优先级。

    Sub Grp - identifies neighbor priority .

  27. 为JavaEE应用程序启用了安全性后,应用程序将使用标识进行执行。

    When security is enabled for Java EE applications , the application executes using an identity .

  28. 第一个表中包含用来标识单个市场购物篮的交易ID以及产品ID。

    The first table contains the transaction ID identifying a single market basket along with the product IDs .

  29. 由于Web站点通常使用URL标识,因此地标可以被指定为根据URL来匹配Web站点。

    As Web sites are usually identified by URLs , a landmark could be specified to match Web sites by their URLs .

  30. 第二个表DataStructureswithLargeDropsinReachSize列出了主要堆转储上由单个转储分析标识的数据结构。

    The second table , Data Structures with Large Drops in Reach Size , lists data structures identified by the single dump analysis on the primary heap dump .